Chapter 12 - Unloading of School Camp

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CHAPTER 12 - Unloading of School Camp


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Hearing the noise that I hate every morning; I rolled around and slammed my fist onto the clock. Why did I set it so early again? Realising why I set the alarm, hours before I usually wake up, I shot my body up. It's camp day! I looked around to adjust my eyes a little before looking out the window. It's still so early.

Attempting to make the least noise as possible, I tiptoed my way into the bathroom before stripping my pyjamas off and jumping into the shower. After a few minutes of embracing the warm water, I hopped out and slipped on my normal day clothes.

As I came back into my room, I checked the clock, reading: 5:43am. I sighed. "I could be asleep right now," muttering to myself. Since I packed everything into two bags last night, I grabbed them and walked down to the living room. Setting the bags onto the couch, I checked them one last time, making sure I didn't forget anything. Wait, I did forget something! Breakfast!

I ran over to the kitchen and rummaged through the pantry and fridge; picking out my favourite breakfast. A few Weet-Bixes and a box of orange juice. After shovelling my breakfast down, I grabbed a sticky note and pen, writing, "Dear Mum, have fun throughout the week. I know you'll miss me and I'll miss you as well. See you on Friday :) Love, Ash." Feeling content with my message, I stuck it onto the fridge, knowing she'll look at it.

After making sure everything was good to go, I left the house and stopped on the sidewalk. I looked back one more time, before walking off to the bus stop.


Gary and I were the last ones to pile on the bus, leaving us with the only open seat left. As we sat down, we didn't say a word to each other because of sleep deprivation. I glanced over to Serena who was sitting next to Dawn. She had her head against the window, with her eyes shut and earbuds plugged in. I guess she's tired too. I should probably catch up on some sleep too. I pulled out my own earbuds and plugged them in before resting back on the seat.


My head violently shot forward as I realised the bus had come to a stop. Everyone looked out the window to see we had arrived at school. We all started to de-load ourselves off the bus, taking our bags with us. As I stepped out, I saw 2 large double-decker buses, parked in the parking lot. I guess today's going to have a lot of driving.

I saw Serena, placed on the bench with her head down. So I decided to join her.

"Mind if I joined you?" I asked. Hearing no reply, I looked over and saw her, softly snoring. It wasn't exactly a snore but a slight nose whistle. I smiled at the sight before tapping her on the shoulder. She instantly woke and looked from left to right before realising I was sitting next to her.

"Oh hey Ash. I'm just really tired, since I got a total of 1 hours sleep," she groggily said.

"One hour?!" I shouted. She nodded before yawning and dozing off again. I'll left her for the time being.

Several minutes later, other 10th graders started to group up. I saw many professors walk up to the bus, signalling the students to load their bags and get on. I realised Dawn was looking for me/Serena. I didn't want to wake honey-blonde girl up so I just waved to Dawn.

"We're getting ready to head off now!" she yelled from yards away. I nodded and decided to awaken Serena.

I nudged her elbow, whispering," Hey, sleepy head. We're about to leave now." She instantly shot her head up and blankly stared at me.

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