Chapter 22 - True Feelings and Confession

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CHAPTER 22 - True Feelings and Confession


"Well... Here goes..." Ash trailed off. Here goes what?

The boy took a deep breath, like he was going to say something big.

"Serena... I've been wanting to say this for a long time and my feelings about this are stronger than ever," he seriously said. What is he saying? Is this...?

"It started ever since that hospital incident. We've been through a lot in the past term and I think it's time I say it. Serena... I really like you. And this 'like' has gone past, far beyond a friendly relationship. My true feelings for you have never dimmed, but kept growing brighter and brighter. You are the one that makes me feel warm inside. You're like the light to my world. It makes me ever so happy when I see you smile."

I gasped in shock. Every single one of the words he just spoke were genuinely serious and came from the heart. I just couldn't believe what he was saying to me. The boy that I like... Likes me back?

"Serena Yvonne. I love you," he finished. My face could not get any redder or hotter. The burning sensation I felt was unreal. It took me about a minute of silence for it to sink in.

"It's okay. You don't have to reciprocate  what I feel about you. I just wanted to tell you my true feelings," he stated. I finally managed to form a sentence from my mouth.

"No, Ash. I don't have to reciprocate those feelings to you," I started before looking at him. I could see the disappointment in his facial expression I smiled which seemed to have confused him.

"I don't have to because I already do. I too, feel the same way as you, Ash. It started way before the hospital incident for me. I didn't know what it was at first, but when we first met, I blushed around you, heaps. But you didn't seem to notice it. What made me realise that I really love you was the camp. I was so scared of losing you and when you comforted me, it was the best feeling in the world. Your smile brought joy to my world. It's almost contagious. If you were any other boy, who does the same things you do, I probably wouldn't kiss them on the cheek like I do to you. It's pretty cute when I see that shocked face of yours," I smiling stated.

My heart was pounding so fast that it was probably on par with a heart attack. I finally expressed my true feelings that I've been holding in since the start of this year, to the boy who I love.

His face was brighter than any light I've seen; probably brighter than the sun.

"So... Serena Yvonne, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I felt like my whole world has been tipped upside down, for the better good upon hearing his request. My eyes started to water with tears of joy.

"Yes, Ash Ketchum. I will happily be your girlfriend," I mumbled, streams of tears rolling down my cheek. I seriously didn't know how many litres of tears I contained but I didn't care. I'm finally the girlfriend of Ash Ketchum. He's mine and I'm his.

I jumped up and leapt onto him, embracing him in the tightest hug possible, which was returned. I buried my face into his chest, still crying tears of joy.

"I love you, Serena," he whispered into my ear. My heart simply melted away, hearing those words.

"I love you too, Ash," I responded. I pulled my head back, still in the embrace and contently stared into his auburn eyes. They were full of joy and life, just how I liked it.

We stood there, locked in the same position and kept eye contact for about a minute. It's time.

I slowly leaned in and melted my lips onto his. Time suddenly froze. This is our first kiss; resembling the start of our relationship. He is now, officially mine and I am, officially his. All my nerves melted away as we locked our lips for a good minute or so before pulling away.

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