Chapter 26 - Incidents and Plans

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CHAPTER 26 - Incidents and Plans


It's now Friday of the first holiday week and the girls have all decided to have a girls' day out. Serena, Dawn are both waiting for May and Misty to show up. The cafe they booked was rather empty, considering it was a Friday afternoon. As they were waiting for the rest, Serena was texting Ash about their date on Saturday. Dawn decided to peek over the honey-blonde's shoulder, without her noticing.

"You guys are going to the Lumiose Restaurant?!" Dawn excitedly squealed. This caused Serena to instantly lock her phone and hide it with her hands.

"Dawn! Why are you snooping around like that?!" Serena shouted, now embarrassed which caused Dawn to burst into laughter.

"Hey, I'm your best friend, remember? You're meant to tell me what's going on with your relationship," Dawn said before Serena sweatdropped.

"Fine, fine. That's where we're going for dinner for our official first date. That's the only thing I know. He said the rest of the day, he has something planned for me. That's about it," Serena responded, "How about your love life? Anyone you're interested in?" Dawn immediately blushed and looked away upon hearing Serena's turnaround. "Oh! You do have someone you're interested in. Tell me, tell me!"

Dawn jerked her head around to look at the blonde and said, "Okay, you have to keep this a secret, but I think Kenny's pretty cute."

Serena's eyes widened upon hearing Kenny's name. "Kenny? Really? How did this happen?"

"Well, we've been talking to one on one a lot more now since the end of the holi-" Dawn was cut short as someone bumped into Serena, spilling their coffee onto her.

"AHHH!" Serena screamed in pain. Dawn immediately looked up to see that Miette was standing there with a devilish smile on her face.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I didn't see you there," Miette sarcastically said. The coffee drenched Serena's whole body, from top to bottom. "Oi! Can't you be more careful next time?!" Dawn angrily yelled as her fists clenched.

"I said I didn't see the trashcan there," Miette retorted. As the light blue-haired girl said that, May and Misty witnessed the commotion just as they came in. Dawn got up and was about to connect her fist with Miette's face before Misty swiftly swooped into action. With Misty pulling Dawn back, Miette scoffed and walked away.

"What's your problem!?" Dawn shouted through the cafe. By now, everyone in the cafe was looking at the group, with confused looks.


My body was riddled with pain as I got up to release the excess coffee.

"Serena!" I heard someone yell. I looked over to see it was May who was running over from the entrance. I winced from the pain, worried about my hair which was all sticky and gross from the coffee. My clothes too.

"What happened?" May asked.

"Miette happened. That's what! She 'accidentally' spilled coffee on Serena then called her a trashcan!" Dawn yelled, doing the quotation motion with her fingers as she said 'accidentally'.

"What is wrong with that girl?" I furiously said. The coffee started cooling down as I checked my skin. There were burn marks on my thighs and arms.

"What are we going to do now? Serena's all drenched in coffee now and her skin is burnt," Misty said. I was about to say something before the entrance chime sounded. I looked over to see Gary walk in with the other guys. Ash seemed to be the first one to notice us girls. The raven-haired boy smiled as he saw me but I noticed that smile quickly turned into a frown.

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