Chapter 21 - The Celebritorial Day of Birth

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CHAPTER 21 - The Celebritorial  Day of Birth


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I slammed my fist onto the alarm clock, feeling the bright sun rays on my eyelids. I fluttered them, to adjust to the lighting.

I felt so droopy today since I spent the whole of last night, working on Serena's present.

I planned on meeting up with Gary before heading over the Serena's. I intended on going early to surprise her; even though she said I could come early.

As I came to my wardrobe, I wondered if I should wear my normal day clothes or something different. After pondering for a minute, I decided to wear my normal clothes, hoping the others would too.

After taking a shower and eating breakfast, I sprayed on some cologne; wanting to smell good for the honey-blonde's birthday. Glancing over at my table, her present was sitting there. I smiled at the plan I had in mind. Checking the clock, I realised that I should've been at Gary's, five minutes ago. I instantly grabbed the present and ran for the door.

Before I reached the door, someone knocked on it. I saw Gary there after opening the door.

"What's taking you so long, Ashy-boy?" he asked. I was sort of relieved to see Gary in his normal attire.

"Sorry, I kind of lost track of time. Ready to go?" I replied. He nodded before we both left for Serena's house.

I noticed Gary was uncomfortably close to me, so I looked at him to see him sniffing me.

"Why the hell are you smelling me?" I asked before he looked up.

"You smell nicer, today. Say, has it got anything to do with Serena?"

I immediately blushed upon hearing his question, so I forced myself to look away.

"Just playing with you, Ashy-boy," he laughed before lightly punching my arm. I sighed just before we were at Serena's house gate.



I finally finished making sure that my room looked tidy and the Wii U was working properly before I heard a knock on the door. Seems like someone's here early.

"Coming! I yelled across the house, running to the door. As I opened it, Ash and Gary were standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday Serena!" they shouted in unison. Somehow, Gary got ahold of a party horn and blew on it, making the whimsical sound.

"Thanks guys," I laughed before letting them inside the house. As Ash walked past me, I noticed a pleasant scent from him.

"You smell nice today, Ash," I complimented.

"See?! Told you!" Gary yelled.

"Well, u-uh. Yeah... I didn't want to smell bad for your birthday," he said while rubbing the back of his head. I directed the two towards the lounge room, before plopping onto the sofa.

"You guys are early," I commented.

"Yeah, I just couldn't wait to see what your party holds in store for us. I'm so pumped!" Ash enthusiastically smiled.

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