Chapter 33 - Reminders and Reunion

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CHAPTER 33 - Reminders and Reunion


It's now Saturday and I'm waiting for Alain to show up at my house. We were going out to have some lunch today, as a friendly kind of thing. Or at least, that's what I though of it as.

After a few minutes of absentmindedly waiting, Alain finally appeared at my front gate.

"Hi, Alain," I smiled as I approached the gate.

"Hey Serena. Are you ready to go?" the boy asked before I nodded and we made our way to the cafe. We mainly walked in silence before Alain decided to speak up.

"Do you have any other plans for the rest of the weekend?"

"Um... I just have some homework to do for next week. So I'll probably be stuck at home for the rest of the weekend," I awkwardly laughed.

"Oh, really? Maybe we could help each other to do homework. Do you want to come to my house or I can come to your house?" Alain questioned. I desperately tried to find a excuse out of this because I knew how awkward it could possibly be if I did homework with him.

"Sorry, Alain. The girls are already coming over to my place to do homework. So I'm fine," I smiled.

"Aw, that's too bad. Maybe I could do it with the other girls, too?"

"Um, that'd be pretty awkward. Plus, the girls would rampage if you came. Maybe next time," I said, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Sure. Oh, looks like we're here," Alain stated before I looked up to see the cafe where Miette 'accidentally' spilled coffee on me. My mind instantly went back to the time when Ash lent me his jacket. It provided so much warmth. The warmth that I so dearly missed. I don't know if I'll ever feel that same kind of warmth in my life again.

"Serena?" Alain questioned, snapping me back into reality.

"Oh, sorry," I said.

"That's okay. Let's grab a table," he stated, leading me to a unoccupied table.

"Go ahead, get anything you want from the menu. I'll pay," Alain smiled. I looked at the menu and read every single item they had to offer. Nothing particularly interested me so I just went with something basic.

"May I take your orders?" the waiter asked.

"Yeah, I'll just have the beef burger and chocolate shake and the lady will have..." Alain signalled.

"I'll have the chicken pie and lemon tea, thank you," I replied before the waiter walked off. Beef burger and chocolate shake... That's what Ash would normally have...

"Thanks, Alain," I smiled.

"You're welcome," he responded as we waited for our food to be prepared. We sat in complete silence, which could be classified as awkward. But as usual, Alain decided to sever it.

"Serena, do you have a crush on anyone?" he questioned. I instantly jerked my head to look at him before looking back at my lap. Crush on anyone? I just broke up with my first love a month ago. And I think I still somewhat have feelings for him. Maybe because he was my first love and all.

"No, I don't," I lied. Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, but more of an unsure answer.

"How about you?" I queried.

"Yeah, I do," he answered to my surprise, "I don't think I can tell you who it is though."

"Why not?" I pouted. I love knowing about people's crush so you can tease them about it; it's pretty fun.

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