Freaking weird Q&A; Ep. 11

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RISSA: Hellllooo little weirdos...

CANDY: HI people.

RISSA: So here is a Q&A, obviously. The ones that we've done in the past individually had OK questions, but you little creepers asked some strange questions this time.

CANDY: we go!

Q: Which commercials are your favorite?

CANDY: I like the food ones.

RISSA: The Geico commercials because if we're all being honest, the gecko is so cute.

Q : If you could be any fruit, what would you be?

CANDY: I would be a pineapple.

RISSA : I don't know. .. a grape, maybe?

Q: If you could date any movie character, who would it be?


RISSA : If I was a guy, then of course HARLEY FREAKING QUINN.

Q: What is your favorite and least favorite word?

CANDY : My favorite word is cheese, and my least favorite word is goodbye.

RISSA : My favorite word is gingivitis and least favorite is comfortable. Don't really know why.

Q: Blue or pink?

CANDY : Blue.

RISSA: Wait, like are we lowkey sexist?

Q: Who is your best friend?

CANDY : My best friend's name is Vinny.

RISSA : My best friend is Charles William Harrington III.

Q: What is your prized possession?

CANDY : A necklace that my real dad gave my mom.

RISSA : My prized possession is my iPod case, Charles William Harrington baby.

Q: Which cereal makes you angry?

CANDY :... I don't eat cereal that much...

RISSA: Wow. Umm cheerios, I guess because they suck.

Q: What's one of your biggest life regrets?

CANDY : Not staying vegetarian.

RISSA : Missing so many new episodes of SpongeBob. I am so freaking behind...

Q: Who or what did you look like in elementary school?

CANDY : Hahaha. I looked like an average little girl with pigtails and curly hair.

RISSA : I looked like an ugly little salad. Yes that makes sense.

Q: What's your favorite sport?

CANDY : Soccer.

RISSA : Basketball, because I am so good at it. Just kidding, volleyball.

Q: What's your least favorite sport?

CANDY : Basketball because I am only 4'11.

RISSA : Golf. It makes me have to pee and want to sleep.

Q: Are you in a relationship?

CANDY : I am in a relationship.

RISSA : I am in a relationship with Charles William Harrington III. He's so loyal...I mean it's not like he can go anywhere.

Q: Are you a rebel, or a good kid?

CANDY : Good child.

RISSA : Rebel. I do what I want, where I want, when I want as long as mommy says it's ok.

Q: Who is your woman crush?

CANDY : Selena Gomez because she's so friggin gorgeous.


Q : What are your thoughts on stiletto nails?

CANDY : I don't like stiletto nails. They are just so ugh to me.

RISSA : I just don't really feel like nails should be pointy. But they look good on some people. And they can be used as weapons, so.

Q: Currently, who are your favorite people on Wattpad?

CANDY : I don't really have any new ones...

RISSA : UMM. Oh! These people:





And more that I don't feel like mentioning. But you should know who you are!

CANDY : So that's about it for this weird Q&A.

RISSA : Thank you guys so much for reading and putting up with our stupidness.

CANDY : Vote. Comment. All that good stuff.

RISSA : Bieeeeeeee.

~@candace4 and @Laaarisssa

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