He's bad: 06:

125 15 4

I uncomfortably walked behind angel as she picked one thing from every rack for me.

"I think this outfit will look perfect on your body figure." She smiled sweetly. She held the outfit in her arms and held it out to me.

"I..I don't know.." I said hesitantly. That's just not my..style.

"What's the worst that could happen? That worst that will happen is that you won't like it and you just take it off, then we can find a new one. Come on." Her eyes were lit with so much excitement, that if I was to tell her no I would feel so guilty.

"Alright, alright." I sighed. I took the outfit from her and she let out a squeal. I smiled and shook my head and walked into the dressing room.

Black shiny tight leggings with a loose teal tanktop and a black leather jacket and an accessory of a grey beanie.

I bit nervously down on my lip and looked at the outfit. As cute as the out fit was, I would never be able to pull it off. I can't. I wouldn't.

But I promised her I would try it on. So I need to. I sighed and picked up the shirt and tossed it over my head.


I have been looking at myself in the mirror for the past five minuets.

Who is this girl and what did he do with Stephanie? The girl that wore the long skirts is certainly not this girl.

But I actually look...good?

"Wait wait!" A pounding on the door knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Before you come out, put on these lace up combat boots." She handed me them over the dressing room door and walked to the front waiting for me to come out and reveal this..girl.

I took the boots and slipped them on.

I have never worn boots so hard to lace up.

On second thought..I've never even worn boots.

"Are you almost ready?" I could hear the anticipation in her voice. I could hear her impatiently tapping her heal on the ground.

"I'm ready!" I said nervously.

"Come on out girl." She yelled.

"Shh!" I hissed. I gigged and she giggled after. Here I go.

I nervously turned the door and opened it up. I stepped out and put my arms by my side.

"So...?" I trailed off. Angels jaw dropped and she stepped back.

Her mouth pulled up into a huge grin and she quickly and loudly clapped her hands.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" She yelled. "This is just yes, come on, you cannot tell me you honestly disagree. You look great girl! Never better!" She cooed.

She walked up to me and fixed my hair in my beanie. I knew I did it wrong.

"Do you like it? Do you feel good in it?" She asked softly. She fixed the sleeves of my jacket and looked up at me sweetly.

Even though I have only known Angel for a few days now, I can already tell that she is a serious and playful person. She can be so upbeat but serious when needed. And right now it is needed. I'm feeling very uneasy.

This is my first time going out of my comfort zone. I loves my big bulky things to hide my curves.

"You look amazing." She spoke softly.

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