Each second I'm away from you,
My soul cries harder and harder.
Each second I'm with you,
My soul is crying through the clouds.
I'm so lucky to have you,
To see your face daily,
Lucky to hear your voice,
To be able to call you mine.
I love your smile,
The smile you so like to hide,
I love your eyes,
The ones you close at night.
The ones you force open for me.
The slightest sight of you,
Makes me tingle with joy.
Makes me show my teeth,
Twists my face into a grin.
ПоэзияIt's not what it seems it is. Your eyes can lie, a nightmare is everywhere. To anyone who knows me in real life: Yes, I am depressed, yes, I self-harm. But I write this for myself more than for anyone else, if you do decide to read this, I want you...