Chapter Four

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It had been a whole week since I last saw Dejan and since the bet. I was nervous about being around her with this whole bet thing. I didn't really know how to go about it. The last time I let Shaquille talk me into a situation like this, she ended up really hurt.

See, back in the 8th grade Shaq bet me $100 I couldn't have two girlfriends at the same time. At the time, I was only 14. I wasn't mature and I'd do anything to prove him wrong. And heck, it was $100 on the line. It was all going good until Jakira saw my name in Dejan's Twitter bio and confronted her about it. Which was really stupid because everybody knew two things: 1) Jakira wasn't a fighter and 2) Dejan never lost a fight. Needless to say, Jakira and I both ended up with a busted lip. I begged for Dae to forgive me and though she said she did she would never talk to me.

Here I was with the second chance I waited four years to get and I was already about to fuck it up messing with Shaq. I picked up my phone and texted the group message.


Me: I want out of the bet bruh
Mikey👊🏾💯: Why? 😑
Shaq🏀💯: Sorry. No can do 🙅🏽
Me: I'm not tryna hurt Dae like that bruh .. What if she find out?!
Mikey👊🏾💯: How would she find out if you don't tell her? 🤔
Shaq🏀💯: We shook on it broski. What ever happened to bros before hoes? You must love the bitch or some..
Me: That's the thing. She ain't a hoe!
Me: Or a bitch 👊🏾
Shaq🏀💯: They all hoes in my eyes 😴
Me: Bruh chill on that hoe word 😤
Mikey👊🏾💯: Fr bruh, cause Isis not no hoe either
Shaq🏀💯: Whatever 🙄 Y'all too sensitive for me. Besides, if you back out of the bet not only will I tell here about this one but I'll tell her about the one from 8th grade too! So if you want her to never talk to you again, go right ahead
Me: That's real low dawg
Mikey👊🏾💯: Damn Q 😳
Shaq🏀💯: Whatever man. Y'all niggas better catch up I'm omw to my lil bit house rn 😜🏃🏿✌🏿

I couldn't believe Shaq would actually do me dirty like that. After this bet was over, I swear I was gonna be done with him. Only problem was NONE of these girls were going that easily, meaning this bet could and probably would last for months. In order for me to convince Dae to have sex with me I was gonna have to make her  catch feelings for me first and that was the real challenge. After her last breakup with Antonio, I heard countless stories about the way she would curve niggas. I was lucky she even texted me back on a daily basis. He broke her heart bad. He took her virginity then cheated on her with her now ex-bestfriend Porsha, then went and told the whole school about how he fucked them both. And telling one person pretty much meant he told all of Nashville. I was there for Dae after the break up, when everybody was talking bad about her, I was her shoulder to cry on. If that was me I could never do nothing like that to a girl as fine as Dejan. But damn, here I was about to do something close enough.

My hope of getting out of the bet before I had to see her tonight epically failed, but I couldn't sit around and think on it too long. I had to get ready for this house party we was going to tonight. Me, Mike, and Q was meeting Dae, Latrice, and Isis there and it started in less than an hour.


Goooddamn. I thought to myself when I finally saw Dae. She was wearing this all black halter-top jumpsuit that stopped just above her knees. The whole back was out and it even let the small tattoo on the side of her breast show. It was something like the one Sherane wore in House Party except she was way finer than Sherane in her lavender colored furry slides. I hated when bitches wore those things but she made 'em look good. Her hair was bone straight with a part down the middle. She always complained about her "big" forehead so that probably explained the all black baseball cap she had on. She had it turned around to the back but you could see the glittery silver letters on the front that spelled LLKP. Those letters stood for Long Live KP, representing a friend of ours who died a few weeks ago. Her lip gloss was shinin' even from over here but her brown skin was shinin' even harder. She saw me and smiled at me. I nodded and motioned for her to come here.

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