Chapter Eleven

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"Dominique?!" A woman's voice called up the stairs. I assumed it was his Mom.

"Shit.." He whispered. Then we heard footsteps on the stairs. Both our eyes could've popped out of our heads as wide as they got. "The door. Stand behind the door," he said.

I did as told. Ever since the first time I met his Mom in the eight grade, she loved me, and I wanted it to stay that way.

"My purse. My shoes," I whispered.

He picked them up and threw them on the side of the bed. I gave him a crazy look because I was sure all the contents of my purse were all over his floor. He just shrugged it off tho.

The knob turned and she came in, barely missing me with the door.

"Dominique, what are you doing? What was that noise?" She questioned.

"Nothing," he answered, getting down on his knees and looking under the bed. "I was looking for these shoes I'm tryna wear tomorrow."

"At 3 in the morning Dominique?"

"Yeah, I just got in from that party not too long ago. What happened? I thought you wasn't getting off til 7?" He stood back up.

"I'm not off. I just came back cause I left my lunch at home and I was not about to waste money on no fast food! And I'll tell you what. You better start having your butt back in this house by 1:30, you hear me? It's too much stuff going on these days and ion need to be getting no phone calls while I'm at work talking bout something done happened to you!" She started going on and on about the recent Black Lives Matter, police brutality thing.

Meanwhile I was standing behind the door about to turn purple from holding my breath so long. I was pretty positive my stomach was gonna fall through my ass at any moment. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh, cry, or just make a run for it. I started to pray, Lord if you get me out of this situation I promise I'll be a good girl for the rest of the summer! Because I can't promise forever. Amen!

I texted the group message.


Me: Bruuuhhhh
Me: I'm in the most awkward situation right now!!!!!😳
Latrice💕: What?!
Isis💞: Me too lol Me and Mikey just sitting in his living room watching cartoons with his niece and nephew 🙄
Me: I'm hiding behind Dominique's door because his Mom came home. I win 😊
Isis💞: Bitttcccchhhhh! Ddhhhssghhdd How did this happen?
Latrice💕: That's what yo ass get! Tryna be fast..

"You understand me?" She finally ended her lil speech.

"Yes ma'am," He groaned.

"Yeah, alright," she walked out closing the door back.

As soon as we both let out our pinned up nerves in the form two long sighs, she busted the door back open. That's when my heart jumped outta my chest. It was beating so hard I heard it through my ears and was sure she heard it, too. Oh no! She caught us.

"Come get your shit out this damn bathroom!" She yelled and closed the door again.

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