Chapter One

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(Latrice, Dejan & Isis)

*New iMessage*
Dommmmyyy: Pull up.

I rolled my eyes and turned the radio down in my car.

"So guess who just texted me talkin' 'bout pull up?" I giggled.

"Who?!" Isis squealed with a perkiness that was a main factor in her personality.

Isis was definitely the pretty girl of our lil click. Not saying that me and my girl Latrice was ugly- we was far from it, but she was the most girly of us three. With her sandy brown skin, big brown eyes, and curly hair that flowed down her back, she was no less than a 10. Not to mention she had a body that curved in all the right places and braces that made her goofy smile even more appealing. We were all goofy but Isis was the goofiest and always full of life.

Latrice had more of a milk chocolate complexion. Standing at only 5'0", she had the biggest butt of us all. She had deep brown eyes, long eyelashes, and thick kinky hair that laid past her shoulders. She wasn't just pretty "for a darkskin". While she was the more mature one of the group, it was only because she was about her business. The girl stayed at work but she just loved the money.

Me. Well my name's Dejan and I say I'm just as pretty as my two best friends, which is rare. You might get 2/3 or even 1/3 with any other set of friends but not me and mine and everybody knew it. I like to label myself as caramel. (The three of us are like a Twix bar, lol) I'm the thinnest of the group but that doesn't stop me from believing I'm thick; I still got a lil shape. I had long, slim legs but I think my smile is my best feature, besides my tight, coily hair. I had that type of hair that's just too good and won't do nothing but curl up. Though it grew past my shoulders it was more fine like baby's hair. I didn't have pretty lashes like Latrice, but my eyes were something like that "butter pecan" color T-Pain sings about. I guess you could say I was the crazy one of the bunch. I had more issues than Vogue, ain't that what they say?

We all had our flaws, but as a group we turned heads and most definitely made plenty of people uncomfortable- male and female. We were just some pretty young girls from the Ville-Nashville that is. And we never passed up on an opportunity to use it as an advantage.

"Girl. Dominique," I called him by his full name. Dommy was a silly nickname I'd given him when we first got cool back in middle school. He hated when I called him that but I still did. Dom was a potential bae I guess you could say. I liked him but more as a friend than anything. He was about 6'0", browskin, though he was lighter than me, with big dark brown eyes, but his extra long lashes and his baby face is what gets me. Of course he had the "nappy-cut" like most guys our age but I guess I didn't mind. He played basketball as anybody would assume with his slender shape. Let's just say I could wrap both arms around him and touch myself.

"Oooo! Speaking of him, guess who I been texting?" Latrice piped up. I wouldn't say she had the hoes, but let's just say every time we spoke, she always had a new fling to tell us about.

"Who?" Me and Isis recited with skeptical looks on our faces. Most of these guys weren't cute that she liked. She had the worst taste.

"Shaq? You know he cool with Dominique. He texting me right now talking bout he wanna see me," she bragged even though Shaq was ugly, too. I'm over exaggerating, he was aight. At only 5'8", he was practically the same skin tone as Latrice, with big, beaming eyes. He could use a better haircut but I mean, he kept himself up so you couldn't knock him. I would have to say his smile was the best feature on him. He had one of those laid back, "I know I can get in them drawls" type of smiles, but Latrice was feeling him, so hey.

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