Chapter Six

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The way my hands fit so perfectly around her small waste I couldn't help but to let them fall over her ass. Dejan might have been skinny but she still had a lil' something poking. And Jesus she smelled so good. Maybe this bet wouldn't be so hard cause at this point I'm just tryna figure out how I'm fenna keep my hands off her all night. Damn this girl.

"Keep those hands to yourself if you wanna keep em," she whispered in my ear and let her lips graze my neck.

Why was this girl playing with me? I thought.

"Yes ma'am," I said aloud.

She tried to step away and join her friends but I put my arm over her shoulder so she wouldn't stray far. I had to let it be known in here that she was with me. She was looking way too good and I'll be damned if some nigga tried to holla at her.

"Wassup with you?" she questioned.

"What you mean?" I acted clueless.

"I meean, you won't let a nigga breathe! You all up on me like you my guy or something."

"Maybe I'm tryna be. You ever think about that?" I looked her in here eye.

"Well maybe I ain't lookin' for all that right now. Ever think about that?" she moved my hand off her shoulder and turned her back to me, joining the conversation with her friends.

One step forward, two steps back. Seems like I was the one catching feelings for her instead of the other way around. I had to keep my head in the game, cause it's obvious she ain't feeling me like how I thought.

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