Chapter 6

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Hiya,see I'm back!

Eh?Nani?You thought I was dead?!

Guys I'm not dead.

I-I'm not dead.

G-Guys I'm not deaaa-

Author-San.EXE has stopped working.

If you have seen this other times please follow instructions:

Take away tablet

Delete YouTube 

Stop her from watching the following:



Game Theory 

Film Theory

Anime America 





If you still see this problem take away all video games as well.Stop her from staring at her three Senpais:Marth-Senpai (Fire Emblem),Sebastian-Senpai (Black Butler),and Robin-Senpai (Fire Emblem)


"Now class...Shall we begin?" Multiple versions of Korosensei stood in front of the class,each wearing a different headband.

"Begin what?"

"The time has come for midterms!And that's why I've set aside this period...for my special supersonic exam cram class!My afterimage can work with you one-on-one to provide individually targeted revision for your worst subjects."

"This is just dumb.He even switches his headband for each subject." Terasaka grumbled,until Korosensei came in front of him."Hey!Why do I get a Naruto one?!"

"(Y/n)-san?" Korosensei appeared in front of (Y/n)

"Haaaaaiii!" (Y/n) muttered lazily

"Which subject do you need help on?"

"Eh,shouldn't you know?" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nya!I-I mean of course I know!I was just asking wh-"

"I was just messing with you!" (Y/n) chuckled 

"O-Of course.Sooo,uh,you need help in?"

"I guess I could brush up on my social studies.I was never good at that." (Sorry if you're good at that it's just for the story!)


"Eh?!" (Y/n) cried as Korosensei's face was dented in.

"No sneak assassination,if you please,Karma-kun!Dodging interferes with my ability to maintain steady images!"

"Karma-kun,you really are an idiot." (Y/n) sighed 

"I could say the same about you,(Y-/-n)-ch-an~" Karma sang

"Shut it!"

'With this dramatic increase in capabilities...He must be gearing up to destroy the Earth next year.No matter how you slice it,he's a real headache to have as a target.But with exams looming...we're glad to have him as a teacher.'

A Love That Will Not Last Karma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now