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Got tagged by Candy8792

Yaaaaaaaay.....kill me plz

So let's do this!

1.Do I like someone:Yes.....my anime and videogame Senpais ......oh you meant real life oh then yeah I do

2.Do they like me:I don't know,we'll probably not because he has a girlfriend but we're shipped together a lot (and I've known him longer then her!)

3.Middle Name:Samantha *shivers*

4.Single or taken:Taken...by my Senpais....oh real life (uh how I hate real life..) nope.I'm livin' that SINGLE LIFE THO! 

I'm livin' that SINGLE LIFE THO! 

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(Help me)

5.Last person I texted:My Waifu (I have a real life Waifu okay!)

6.Last song I listened to:LA Devotee by Panic!At The Disco

7.Battery Percent:84%

8.Girl Best Friend:I don't really like calling a specific friend my favorite so I guess every one of my  girl friends are my BFs

9.Guy Best Friend:Again every single guy friend is my best friend 

10.Favorite OTP:TOO MANY TO CHOSE FROM!!! (Let's just say I flipped a table over when Maka and Soul didn't FUCKING KISS!!

11.Why I made my account:I had an old account before,but MY BITCH OF A BROTHER DELETED IT WHILE I WAS TRYING TO UPDATE ONE OF MY BOOKS!!But the first time,I made it because I had all of these ideas for stories and I wanted to pour them out somewhere

12.Current Lock Screen:Chibi Sebastian-Senpai

Current Lock Screen:Chibi Sebastian-Senpai

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13.Birthday:November 7 (It's almost here!But its on a Monday (T ^ T) and I hate Mondays)

Welp time to tag people!








XxSushiRollxX (forgive me Mother!)

Notaracho (sorry Ara-chan)

Bai my lil pandas 🐼 

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