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"Oh come on!" I can't help say. "You can't be serious that nine eleven wasn't actually terrorist but was actually a just two fire demons duking it out!" I can't help but shout out, a look of just utter disbelief etched onto my features.

"Why can't it be that?" Tome ask me. He looks like he was savoring this moment.

"Because their were people who were there and live witness accounts and besides the video footage!" I shake my head. As I slap my hands on the table. The few other monsters in the room look towards our booth.

But a menacing glare from Tome makes everyone turn back towards what they are doing. I suppose even if you're a monster you like gossip. Rolling my eyes I look at Tome.

He's also rolling his eyes and giving me a rather distasteful head shake. "You know we cover up things just like the your government does. The only thing is that when it comes to covering up something in the supernatural world in less you have the sight, which very few humans do, then their isn't any way that our cover up would be discovered. Besides you humans always just assume the people that say they saw a supernatural event are crazy. What do we have to worry about when you doubt our existence already?" He ask with a smug chuckle.

"Damned evil genius you think you are don't you?"

"Pretty much. Granted we do that for the greater good of humans and ourselves. I mean just like country's go to war for their power and the safety of their citizens. We do the same, we just function on a higher level of secrecy." His fingers deposit the chop stick onto the now empty plate.

I really want seconds, but I don't see Lyra anywhere. Plus their was no way in hell that I would be asking one of the other two waitress that I saw to prepare my food. I've seen the food that comes out of the kitchen, it's less than savory.

Apparently, they didn't get the memo that crayons and a pad of paper was the way to go now in the foodservice industry.

The ding of the door had me turning around and taking a look at the new people that had walked in. It was two girls and a dude. The girls were almost identical in looks, there were just minuscule differences in their features.

Each was impish in size, their hair was a silky looking ink black that caught the dim lighting in the diner. Their clothes were strange to say the least, clad in an attire of leather and chains, they looked like they belonged to a biker gang or an S&M group club.

Something told me that it was probably the S&M group club, they just shouted sexual tension. The dude on the other hand was rather tall maybe even a couple inches taller than me. He wore blue jeans and cowboy boots, with a baseball t-shirt.

Why they were together had my questioning a lot. Well that was till I saw the two bloody holes on the side of the dudes neck, both of the girls had an arm interlocked with his. They herded him like a lioness herds a zebra.

Vampire twins? What were the chances that they were twins and vampires, the whole leather and chains look really actually worked for them. As they passed by us the smells of iron and roses permeated the air and seemed to seep into my nose.

One of them looked over at me. Her lips were the color of sanguine while her skin was a fair and pale like snow. Something about her was rather enchanting. Tilting my eyes upwards, I can't help but note her eye they're pitch black, as they bore into my eyes. A glowing red halo of color appears in the black of her eyes as she spots me.

A smile appeared at her lips, pulling back her sanguine lips to put on display her incisors that looked deathly sharp and pearly white. It felt like I was staring into the abyss when I looked into her eyes.

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