→ kill, get married, have sex

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Aries: Kill Jon Snow, Get married with Robb Stark and have sex with Jamie Lannister.

Tauro: Kill Brandon Stark, get married with Jon Snow and have sex with Lord Baelish.

Cancer: Kill Robb Stark, get married with Daenerys Targaryen and have sex with Joffrey Baratheon.

Geminis: Kill Robert Baratheon, get married with Loras Tyrell and have sex with Renly Baratheon.

Leo: Kill Daenerys Targaryen, get married with jonah Mormont, have sex with Ramsay Bolton.

Virgo: Kill Arya Stark, get married with Jamie Lannister and have sex with Jon Snow.

Libra: Kill Dario, get married with Tyron Lannister and have sex with Bran Stark.

Escorpion: Kill Margaery Tyrell, get married with Toment Baratheon and have sex with Theon Greyjoy.

Sagitario: Kill Theon Greyjoy, get married with Stannis Baratheon, have sex with Robb Stark.

Capricornio: Kill Sansa Stark, get married with Lord Baelish and have sex with Trystane Martell.

Acuario: Kill Mycella Baratheon, get married with Trystane Martell, have sex with Tyron Lannister.

Piscis: Kill Renly Baratheon, get married with Daenerys Targaryen, have sex with Loras Tyrell.

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