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This is so crap but basically this is a ryden one shot some of you might not care and some might not know who they are or you don't ship them but i wrote it specifically for them ill start writing better stories dont worry.


Description: Brendon and Ryan are in a foster home and Ryan becomes desperate to leave.
TW- strong words, abusive parent, slight homophobia

When I tried to call my mom she didn't pick up her phone which was understandable considering it's been years since I last called or talked to her. I decide to call my dad which I will probably regret but I do it anyway. "H-hey dad" I say. "What are you calling me for you faggot?" he slurs all of what he said and I instantly begin to tear up. "I called you to see how you were doing but obviously you stayed the same as you did before" I say "and you stayed the same faggot you were before too" "goodbye" I say and hang up. I go to a swing and sit on it and begin to cry softly sobbing. 'Why me?' I think 'why was I the one to be abused and destroyed' 'what did I do to not deserve love?' I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Brendon show up. "Hey Ry wh- Ryan what's wrong? Why are you crying?" "Brendon I-I didn't want to be here anymore and decided to call my mom but she didn't answer so I c-called my d-dad a-and he H-hasn't changed a-at a-all." Brendon's eyes begin to water as
he gets up and hugs me tightly tightly. I hug back. "Ryan you know how abusive your father was those people almost never decide to change". "I know i-i just-I just wanted to feel loved again even if it was my abusive father". Brendon cups my cheeks looking at me. "Ryan I love you I always have and I always will" I begin to blush still looking at him. "Brendon I-I love you too". I smile at him and look at him smiling back. "Ry c-can I kiss you?" We both blush not focusing on anything but us. "Of course you can" he leans in as do I tilting my head and closing my eyes. Our lips touch and we go in sync unlike other times with other people. We separate our lips and I smile at him brightly. "Thank you". "For what?" "For everything". I say and kiss him again. "I love you, I love you a lot." "I love you a lot too"
Brendon puts a hand out for me to grab, which I do, and he pulls me somewhere. "Bren where are we going?" "You'll see Ry you'll see" he smiles at me taking me inside the forest near the park. Brendon takes us at least fifteen minutes deep inside the Forest when I start to hear a small waterfall. A couple minutes later I can see a pond with a small waterfall and animals around. "Do you like it? This is where I go when I need some alone time". "Brendon- Bren thank you i love it I love you a lot more though but I absolutely love it". I blush slight hiding behind my hair. "Ry your blushing an awful lot why could that be?" "Shut up you're making me blush more" "I know" he smirks. "Hey Ryan can I ask you something?" He sits next to the pond and I join him. "Yeah?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" I blush slightly at what he asked. "I know I said of course when you asked to kiss me but this question- this question is a definite". I smile at him chuckling at his relief. "Good I thought you were going to decline". I spot a guitar leaning on a tree."hey Bren is that guitar yours?" "O-oh yeah it is" he gets up grabs the guitar and returns with it. I grab it and strum it. I begin to sing looking at him "I wouldn't want it any other way". He joins in a higher voice. "That's how I would like to stay". I smile at him as he smiles back. "You're so cute Ry I love your voice also i didn't know you played guitar." "No one knows but me -and well you too I guess"."well that's good because I would love to hear you play and sing more". "Only if you sing with me". "Deal" he smiles while I hand him a notebook I had in my bag. "Here". "What's this?" "It's a note book where I write all my song pick one and we'll sing it". "Okay" he flips through it making me think that he doesn't like any of them". "This one, Camisado". "O-oh o-okay". "Is that one okay?". "I wrote that about my dad it's okay we can sing it". We both sing while I play the guitar.
"The I.V and your hospital bed this was no accident this was a therapeutic chain of events". We sang a long with the rest of the song. "You sing really pretty Ry". "You do to you sound better than me actually". "No i don't" "yes you do Mr.Frank Sinatra" he looks at me with wide eyes about the size of the moon and blushing as much as a red rose. "How'd you know about that?!" "Do you really think I don't listen to you in the shower?" "I mean well shut up". "You're so adorable when you blush". "Am not shut up" I giggle slight kissing him. After being there for an hour it started getting late. "We should go back Ry". "Mm but I want to stay here forever". "I know me too but our foster parents still care for us you know". "I know" I pout and he kisses me once again. "And Ryan" "What?" "You are loved" I smile blushing looking down. After a few seconds he speaks up again. "You're going to make me explode with your cuteness". I scoff "what cuteness? I don't have any cuteness you on the other hand are they cutest person in the world". "You have so much cuteness Ry you are adorable cute funny sarcastic and over all the best person I could ever meet." I blush "shut up" "make me" I tackle him down and kiss him. I stopped after a minute or two. "I shushed you up" I smirked at his flustered face. "Shut up" I laughed and got up giving him my hand to hold. He got up and we left the forest going back to the foster home. "I love you Ry" "I love you more" I kiss him and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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