Truth or Dare

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TW:a little bit of smut ;) other than that nothing 

~Third point of view~

"Come on Dan lets go,have some fun for once" Phil kept bugging Dan to go to this party Chris invited  them to go but Dan didn't want to go "no"Dan strictly said. "Please" Phil gave the puppy eyes and Dan couldn't resist it."Ugh,Fine"."Yay!".

~~time skip to party~~

~Dan's point of view~

We were driving  around i was thinking that phil lost us."Phil did you get lost,again?"."no,its just around the corner".And sure enough it was,now begins hell."Come on Dan"."ugh",why is Phil so cheery with these things,it really annoys me if im honest cause he knows i don't like human interaction but still makes me go to these stupid party's."DAN,PHIL OVER HERE" i heard peej yell through the crowd."Hey Peej,Where's Chris?"."oh hes in the toilets he will be right back"."Okay".We talked for a minute or two when Chris came back."Hey guys"."Hey,is there anything interesting going on?"."I don't think so but shall we play a little game called truth or dare"Chris said while giving a little smirk.everyone one agreed so we went to a different room where it is quieter and so we can actually talk without drunk people surrounding us."who is going first."."Ill go,Truth or dare um Dan."Peej said to me ."um truth i guess"."okay is it true that you like Phil.I went red immediately but i hid behind my fringe."No.."."okay um Chris truth or dare"."dare" "okay i dare you to kiss peej."okay maybe that's a little mean but i know they like each other like its so obv-"Okay" Chi watched as they kiss and i wish that was me and Phil but it wont mean anything to him other than a dare as for me it would mean everything."okay um Phil truth or dare"."dare" i think that was a bad idea cause afterwards Chris gave him a little smirk."I dare you to go in the closet and have 7 minutes in heaven with Dan and don't lie i will know"My whole world exploded,was i really going to do this,correction are WE gonna do this.I turned to see phil in shock and wide eyes as same for me."um,okay" we went in the closet and we just stood there until phil broke the silence."I mean we could pretend"."yea we could but what about Chris he said he will know we should at least give each other hickeys"i smirk but a bit confused on the sudden confidence."okay"wait wait hold on HE AGREED.we got closer and i tilted my head so he could begin.he started kissing around my neck when he got to my sweet spot and had to suppress a moan."i guess i found your sweet spot"he said and i could hear the smirk on his face and started to question if he liked me back because he seemed to be enjoying this.Phil started sucking on my neck and let the moans came out,some quiet and some loud.When he gave his mark a good look he started kissing up my neck and made his way to my lips and was surprised but kissed back instantly and only separated to have a breath.Phil started licking my bottom lips for access and quickly accepted.I started making my way down his neck and quickly found his sweet spot "now its my turn" i started sucking and he let out a rather loud moan "shh they will hear you" "who cares" i kept sucking till i was confident with the mark and went back up to his lips and asked for access which he quickly accepted and his mouth tasted like chocolates and i just want to taste it forever.He made his hands up my shirt exploring my body and removing my shirt in the process after what only felt like 5 seconds Chris knocking and made us both jump "im not coming in but your seven minutes are up so put on your clothes and come back out" i blushed after i realized what we were doing "oh um here is your um shirt" "t-thanks" "you know Dan that was literally seven minutes in heaven and i um really like you."i smiled from ear to ear "i really like you too." "Really?" "yes you nerd why else would i do this" "i don't know you could be just acting" "no i promise i really do like you" "i really like you too"."Actually i change my mind i don't like you" "oh o-okay" Phil started tearing up and it was breaking my heart."don't cry i don't like you i love you"he wiped his eyes and had a huge grin in his face."i love you too Dan"we got out the closet and we saw peej and Chris making out which shoked me "GUYS GET A ROOM" they jumped and full on blushed and were red tomatoes,"shut up you guys had seven minutes in heaven"i blushed and so did Phil."okay okay but we actually we in privacy" "okay you win but i think me and peej are leaving and im guessing you guys are too?" "yep"we all walked out and gave goodbyes and me and Phil went back to our flat and had cheeky bum secks


Hey guys this is my first one shot its short yes and this is crap also i am writing this on a laptop so im not sure how it will turn out till i look on my phone later.i don't have a schedule so i post whenever i want but it wont be like a month and then write another on shot so um yes bai

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