In The Future

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~Third Point Of View~


30 years have past and you are happily married with your kids,Phan girling days are now gone.One day you walk into the living room and your partner has left the TV on the news.As you are pick up the remote to change the channel,something stops you and you pause to hear the news reporter say,"In a horrific car crash in London,Internet star,Philip Lester,Died tragically in the arms of his lover Daniel Howell."

As your throat tightens,you find it hard to breath and suddenly a wave of emotions comes crashing over,sending floods of tears spilling from your eyes.

The next day you get up and force yourself to carry on with your life.As you are walking down Manchester train station you bash into somebody.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry" you say as you study the very tall man with graying brown hair.

"Its okay its not your fault for me being in your way".

"its not your fau-"

Wait a second you would recognize that voice anywhere.

"D-Dan?" you studder

The man turns around and you look up to to see warm brown eyes rimmed with redness and bloodshot.

"Hello internet." His voice cracks as fresh tears well up in his eyes.

"Oh Dan!"you mumble as you throw your arms around him and hold him as he cries on your shoulder.He pulls away and something dawns on you as you look around.

"Isn't this-"

"Yeah,its where me and Phil met for the first time IRL."

Dan looks at you then says "take this" he hands you a lion

"No! I cant possibly take this!"

"No,I insist,and there's something i need you to do for me."

Dan hands you his laptop.

"There's a video i need you to upload for me." He explains 

"Wait?What?" you ask confused.But he is already walking away from you to the edge of the platform.His feet balance precariously on the edge he turns and looks at you with tears streaming down his face.Then he does his two finger salute and says the two words every Phandom doesn't want to hear."Goodbye Internet."

With one final step back you watch as Dan falls from the train platform and at the same time a train comes speeding past.Taking Dan's body with it.

Utter shock drives you to your knees.Your heart feels like its been ripped from your chest and you cry hysterically whilst everyone walks by as if you're not even there 


I'm sorry.Also i kinda stole this from tumblr i was having writers block so decided to do this anyways thanks see you later.

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