New student

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Eleanor pov

The Hogwarts express is packed full of students of various ages from the little 1st years, nervously asking for directions or the 7th years stalking the corridors like they owned the train.

I however was neither. Me, Eleanor Parkinson am a 6th year. An odd time too start at a new school, with only 2 years left until you finished anyway. According to my aunt Minerva, who was the deputy head of the Hogwarts and the transfiguration teacher, I was one of the first ever transfer students at the school.

After, I found out I was a witch (a little too late if you ask me!' I desperately wanted to move schools.  So my aunt sorted me out with a place starting the following September, and here I was!

The train got more crowded as more and more people filled the compartments surrounding me. I was alone, which wasn't a surprise as I didn't know anyone.

Suddenly, my door opened and 3 students stood there examining me curiously. There were two boy's, one with shaggy red hair and a huge grin, one with a lighting blot shaped scar on his forehead and a girl, with light brown hair and a book tucked under her arm.

'I'll go' I said simply standing up and grabbing my bag. 'No, sit with us' the red haired boy said quickly, taking a seat opposite me. The girl joined him, whilst the scar boy sat next to me. ..

After 3 hours of continuous conversation and a lot of laughter, I felt that I had me some firm friends. They were all in the year below me, which was a shame, as I wouldn't have any classes with them. However Ron, the red haired boy introduced me to his two twin brothers who were in my year, Fred and George who I instantly became mates with due to their relaxing attitude and funny pranks.

I was starting to look forward to beginning life at Hogwarts, as I giggled at something Hermione said to Harry (my other two new friends) and all too soon I wad rifting of into a deep sleep.

When the train finally came to a stop, Harry shook me awake and I grabbed my things and headed out in to the busy corridor.

'What a train journey!' I exclaimed as we clambered into small boats on the river.

'You wouldn't know! you had you head on Harry's shoulder the whole time!' Ron laughed cheerfully. Harry blushed and I hid behind my long black hair as Hermione splashed Ron with water.

'You excited to see what house you are put into?' Harry asked as we approached the magnificent beauty that was Hogwarts. I shook my head 'What if I'm put in Slytherin?'

Ron grimaced. 'Then you have the enjoyment of having the company of Malfoy'

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