Sorting hat

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Eleanor pov

When we arrived at the school, Harry, Hermione and Ron were forced to leave me to join the rest of the Gryffindor's. I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes that I would be soon joining them.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed someone staring at me from the other end of the corridor. He was tall, very tall with grey eyes and brown hair. He was incredibly good-looking and I felt myself blushing when he smiled at me.

He walked over, leaving his friends to enter the Grand Hall. 'Hey in Cedric, Cedric Diggory' the boy said sticking his hand out in front of me. I shook it nervously 'I'm Eleanor Parkinson'.

He smiled once again 'I've never seen you around here before, are you new?' I nodded before he continued '7th year?' he asked hopefully.

 '6th' I mumbled. His face drooped and he shrugged his shoulders. 'Oh well, I'll see you around, good luck' and with that he was off into the Grand hall.

I stood still for a moment, gazing after him as he greeted his friends and sat down at the Hufflepuff table. 'Ah, Eleanor I was looking everywhere for you!' My aunt Minerva was striding down the hall towards me, you arms spread out wide. I put on my most cheesiest grin whilst she enveloped me in a welcome hug.

'Well come on, this way the 1st years sorting is almost done and then it's your turn!' she cried steering me through two huge doors and into a big room with 4 tables all differently decorated with their house colours. I stood with the 3 1st years who were left and looked around as everyone stared at me and whispered 'A transfer?' and 'A new 6th year, how strange!'

Once the 3 students were finished, my name was called out and I stumbled up the stairs and perched on the stool eagerly. I placed the hat on my head and waited for a minute or so before it finally started to speak.

'Wow, this one's a difficult choice' it called 'Very smart and quick-minded like a Ravenclaw, Adventurous and confident like a Slytherin, Brave an courageous like a Gryffindor and kind and thoughtful like a Hufflepuff, which one'

I froze, I had a 25% chance of becoming a Slytherin. 'GRYFFINDOR' the hat screeched and I stood up and walked towards where Hermione and the rest were sitting. I was so relieved, I had the house I wanted with the friends I wanted too!

After a hearty meal and a quick speech from Albus Dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards of all time (and the headmaster) about new teachers and the upcoming events, everyone stood up and swarmed out of the hall in packs.

However, as I was leaving My aunt Minerva beckoned me over so I waved goodbye to Hermione who trudge up to the Gryffindor common room, and headed over to the staff table.  I had a quick chat with my aunt who congratulated me, and handed me my timetable.

The corridors were empty, as I left the Grand hall and began walking up the thousands of stairs to the common room. All of a sudden, an arm grabbed my waist and pulled me to one side. 'I wished you had been put in Hufflepuff' a voice whispered. I squinted in the pale light of the candles, and only just made out the figure of a boy who spun around and grinned. Cedric.

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