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A/N please remember to follow, vote and comment! Also I know some of the positions aren't correct but oh well just ignore! x

Eleanor pov

It didn't take me long before I was settled in with my friends, classes and teachers. I was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team after Alicia Spinnet was banned due to a severe injury.

I became close friends with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson who were also on the team as well as Hermione, Ron and Harry even if I only saw them at lunch and in the common room.

Fred and George Weasley were good fun too, often asking me to help them carry out pranks on fellow students.

I was having the time of my life at Hogwarts, I couldn't wish for a better school!

Harry was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team as well as being the seeker. I was a chase along side Angelina and Katie, Fred and George were both Beaters and Ron was a keeper.

We practised 4 times a week, in the evening even though Dumbledore announced the Quidditch season would be cancelled due to other 'events'. We were devastated but carried the practising on because it was so enjoyable.....

It was Monday night and I was heading towards the Quidditch pitch, my Nimbus 2001  on my shoulder. I was alone as Angelina and Katie were caught up with homework and Fred and George were in detention for setting of a stink bomb in potions.

I didn't see any point in the practise but Harry said he wanted to 'talk tactics' with me.

Suddenly, a hand crept on my shoulder and I gave out a little squeal and hit the person with my broomstick.

'Ow Ellie' Cedric groaned rubbing his forehead where a red mark was forming. Cedric?...CEDRIC?!

'So-r-ry Ce-d-ric I stuttered fumbling with my tie nervously.

'Quidditch practise again?' Cedric  asks raising an eyebrow. I nodded and squinted towards the pitch. Harry was chatting to Ron and looking around obviously to see if he could see me.

I waved and he waved back eagerly and then returned back to his conversation with Ron.

'Harry seems too like you ay?' Cedric said glancing from me and to harry in turn. 'Oh god no!' I laughed 'just friends'

Cedric laughed and then looked serious for a moment 'good'. He took a second to realise what he just said. 'Oh wait I didn't mean it like that' he gabbled, looking flustered...

I can't stop loving you (Cedric Diggory love story)Where stories live. Discover now