Chapter 32

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I wake the next morning with nothing to do. Nothing to take my mind off just how crazy my life has become, the thoughts swirling around in my head. Like the fact that I may, quite possibly, be in love with, not one, but three different criminals. Joker, Jonny, and Edward. Why I should be in love with Joker, I have no idea. His name is permanently engraved in my skin. Forever reminding me of who I owe my life to. For saving me from a man who was obsessed with Joker himself. Then there's the scars. Oh, those beautiful scars. On someone else, they may not look so great, but on him...they look perfect, in a weird kind of way. Then there's Edward, who kidnapped, tried to kill me, then claimed he loved me. But who also helped me break Jonny out of Arkham. Ah, Jonny. Probably the kindest of the three. He hasn't, nor has he tried to, physically harm me. I haven't even seen him particularly angry. At least, not at me. In fact, the only thing he's done particularly wrong, is trying to turn me against Joker. Which he now knows not to try. Then again, after what Joker did, I don't think I'd mind. In fact, I think I would go with him. Of course, Joker doesn't need to know that. I don't want anyone dying. Especially not Jonny. And as for the unwanted flashbacks, they're now just nightmares that wake me in the middle of the night, shaking and in a cold sweat. Sometimes a scream tears from my throat as I wake, causing Joker or Jonny, who has been spending a lot more time here than at his own home, to come barreling into my room to see if I'm okay. I think Jonny only stays because be doesn't trust joker not to hurt me. Not like Jonny could do much if Joker tried, physical strength isn't really his strong point. But he stays, nonetheless, to protect me. And I think that's sweet. And sometimes, if it was a particularly bad nightmare, Jonny will stay with me until I'm asleep. Riddler stops by everyday to check up on me and give me flowers or plushies, (I don't know how he found out I love plushies, but oh well), with little riddles attached. It's sweet in an odd way. And, as much as Jonny and Eddie hate Joker, and vice versa, I know they would work together to protect or save me if needs be. Knock knock knock. My thoughts are interrupted by a tapping at my bedroom door. I swing it open and am face-to-face with Joker and Jonny. My eye dart between them. Joker is the first to speak. "Look, doll, Harley is a little...upset that you "stole" her colors. Meaning you'll have to find a new outfit or she's gonna throw a huge fit and I'm not in the mood to deal with that, okay, sugarplum?" I growl in annoyance, stupid Harley, always complaining and ruining crap. I sigh, "Okay, that explains why you're here, so why are you knocking on my door, Jonny?" Jonny looks up from where he was staring at the floor. "I'm taking you shopping for a new outfit." He states, adjusting his glasses. I smile slightly, glad I'd be getting out of the house and that I wouldn't have to deal with Joker's mood swings. "Let me get dressed and we can go." I say, pecking Jonny on the cheek before closing my door. Soon after my door is shut a hear a soft growl come from the other side, and swing it open again to find Joker glaring at Jonny, I low snarl rumbling from inside his chest. I sigh and grab Jonny by the sleeve and yank him into my room, closing the door once again and locking it. I point to my bed. "Sit there while I change in the bathroom." I say, to which he nods, taking a seat on my bed. I rummage through my closet for a moment before pulling out a Twenty Øne Piløts shirt and a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans. I walk into the bathroom and strip my pajamas off and pull on my outfit. I then brush my hair and pull on my black Converse. I walk out of the bathroom to see Jonny rifling through one of my drawers. I slam the bathroom door shut, trying to surprise him, maybe even scare him a little, but he doesn't even flinch. I growl and he turns around slowly, taking his time. Then I see what's in his hand. My picture. I hiss, "Why do you have that?? Why were you going through my shit, Jonathan?" He sighs, "I was just curious. Forgive me, I know it was wrong of me. I'm sorry." I nod, "Apology accepted." He give me a small smile, then looks at the picture, then back at me. "This is you and your brothers." He says, more of a statement than a question, and I nod sadly. "You don't talk about them much. Why?" He asks. I shake my head and feel tears beginning to prick my eyes, "It hurts to talk about them." I say, my voice cracking towards the end. By the point, I'm staring at the floor. I don't hear him move, and I don't realize I've started crying until his hand us under my chin, lifting my head and his fingers are brushing away the tears. He wraps his arms around me gently, and somewhat awkwardly whispers, "Shh. You're alright." After a few minutes I pull away from him and wipe my eyes with my hands "We should...we should go.." I say quietly. He nods and opens my bedroom door, ushering me out before following after me and closing the door behind him. I hesitantly grab his hand as we walk down the stairs. He pulls his hand away slightly before relaxing and holding my hand. I smile as we exit the 'house' and walk toward his car, hand in hand. Yep, Jonny is definitely the kindest of the three, I think to myself as he opens the car door and allows me to climb in before shutting it after me. I smile as he walks around to his side of the car. Jonny is definitely my favorite. No doubt about it. He climbs in and starts the car before looking over at me and smiling slightly. I smile back, glad to be going shopping with him instead of someone else, like Harley. He puts the car in drive and pulls out of the driveway. Time to find my new colors, new outfit, and possibly a new name.

   Hey guys! First, I would like to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on my story. It really means a lot to me. Second, I would like to give special thanks to 2adorable4u123 because I was honestly thinking about just giving up on this story and deleting it from Wattpad. But thanks to you I have decided to continue with the story. Thank you all so much for sticking with me and continuing to read my story. And thank you, 2adorable4u123, for giving me the inspiration I needed to continue the story. I love you all so much!

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