Chapter 23

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"Yes?" Adam and John say in unison. 

I hear Max jump off my bed, walks towards us and say, "Maggie and I are," he grabs my hand, "dating."

They both gasp, then Adam asks, "Are you guys really?" I lay my head on Max's shoulder and nod.

"Proves it." John says in his broken English. 

I laugh and ask, "How? If we kissed, you'd think it would be an act and there's no video proof."

"And why do we need proof?" Max asks.

"Because," Adam looks at John, then back at us, "we don't believe you."

"Of course you don't, Adam."

"Well, after you started high school,-"

"Adam,"  I inturrupt him, "don't." I start walking out of my room, but Max tightened his grip around my hand. "Max," I say, not turning around, "please, let me go." 

"Why? What happened in High-"

"Nothing." I turn around and walk towards him. Tearing up, smiling, I look into his dark brown eyes, "The path to all great things passes through failure. So, please just leave it alone." I let go of his hand and run downstairs to the couch. Laying on the couch, I pull out my phone, that happened to be in my pajama pocket, and look at the time.


"Yes Adam?" I say, trying to act like I'm not crying.

"We have work tomorrow.... I think we all should go to bed." I shake my head 'no'.

(Max's POV)

"C'mon, Maggie." I finally say, after Adam tries to get Maggie to go to sleep, like she's a child.

I hear a faint growl, then Maggie sits up. "Fine." She gets up, phone in hand, and walks over to me, "Only because I love you." She says, smiling.

"I love you, too." I say, smiling back, then kissing her.

She turns around and whispers something to Adam, then says goodnight to us, heading upstairs. John and I say bye to Adam, then head out, going our seperate ways. All the way to the apartment, I couldn't stop thinking of Maggie.Then, of course, when I walked into the aparment, Ross was waiting for me on the couch. "Where were ya?"

"At Adam's..." I say.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Do you have to be nosey?"

"Something happened."

"Nothing happened."

"You sure 'bout that?" I roll my eyes and head to my room, tired of Ross. All I wanted to do was sleep, with Maggie in my arms, but I couldn't have that. I changed into my bacon bottoms and plain greyish shirt.(Picture below. No idea of he still has these.)

I plugged in my phone, set the alarm, climbed into bed, and layed awake, thinking of Maggie

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I plugged in my phone, set the alarm, climbed into bed, and layed awake, thinking of Maggie.

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