So um I found myself on the Undertale Amalgamate Wikipedia page
Then I went to the Steven Universe page for Clusters
I don't know why, but the idea of smashing living—breathing—sentient beings together has always intrigued me Its creepy But fascinating It probably wouldn't turn out very well in real life It's probably not possible Nvrmd EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE but seriously it would most likely end the world
Or just be really disgusting Like the amalgamates and clusters Those things were scary looking(the amalgamates mostly) and looked miserable It was inhuman and horrible Anywayyyyyyy lets see this pic
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"Forced Bond" The three creatures met at this lab they were taken to(they were kidnapped). They hated each other from the start and kept to themselves Then the 💩 hit the fan They got forced together randomly by their captors Their lives suck now
- Sooooooo Yeah I'm creepy
Bellamy, Grispa, and Sheya were harmed in the making of this chapter