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I feel like I'm starting to become a "popular " user on Wattpad
No not because my followers although it am quite happy about that number. . .
It's because of all the hate I've been getting recently
They don't bother me one bit because I know God will take care of them
I just

Lots of users who have like a thousand followers get a lot of hate so . . . Jk I don't think I, popular at the slightest really ;-;

 Jk I don't think I, popular at the slightest really ;-;

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I don't even understand her comment . . .
I said I didn't hate anyone
I don't want people to go to hell
I'm not a homophobe
I'm not a supporter
Shouldn't there be a space in between Supporters and Homophobes?
For people who don't hate and don't want anyone to suffer, but just don't support it?
She gets mad at me for not agreeing with her . . .
I'm so sorry that I believe that every man should have a woman and vise versa
I know many people who are a part LGBT community on Wattpad, like Ravey, who are close to me. I don't hate Ravey for being pansexual. I don't hate Ravey for not believing in God. I don't hate her at all.
"But DaFoxThatTalks! Ur a Christian! Why donut u hate her?!?!?!"
I believe that you are supposed to love everyone:enemies, people who disagree with you, haters
She's not my enemy
So why should I hate her exactly?
She was kind to me, so I'll be kind back

It's my opinion
And it's a not full of hate

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