
13 3 2

This is late, I know

I'm sorry about leaving so suddenly. A lot of things happened. 

I won't be on Wattpad anymore. 

Before I leave, I have a message.

I said a lot of crappy stuff while I was here. I'd like to say sorry. During The months I've been gone I've started supporting LGBT rights. No one should be treated differently because they like a certain gender. If you happen to see anyone hating on me, direct them to this chapter please. I'm sorry for all the stupid things I've said. I was being so foolish. Heck, I'm not even 100% sure I'm straight anymore.

💐Tell Ravenwish3 this, please. Tell her that I'm sorry, and that I wish we got a chance to meet up irl.💐

It was fun being here with you all, and sharing my crappy art and stuff. 

Bye. . .

Unless . . .

I might stay, but I'll probably create a new account 

I don't know if I will though. . .

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