Chapter 8 : Thirsty For Something Sweet

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" And She Kept Lookin' At Me Like She Knew Who I Was ... She Was Buzzin' All Over me" -Shwazye: Buzzin'

Its 5:30 a.m. and Demarcus alarm goes off blasting " I woke up in a new Bugatti!!!" 

As always it never wakes him up, until his mom comes in his room shouting and making her morning remixes to his alarm such as " I'M GONE WAKE YO ASS UP WITH A BEATIN' , " strangely to in sync with the alarm. Lets just say this is a normal routine for the both of them. Waking up quickly and moving out the way of the third hit, and darted to the bathroom. Slamming the door reassuring that the door is locked,

             -"DONT'T SLAM THE GOT'DAMN DOOR, BOY!!" 

 Before closing the door, anger left her and sweetness chimmed in, "Good morning baby. I''ll be making breakfast, so hurry up!"

Demarcus walked out the room wearing a True Religion western t-shirt and white jeans, along with a pair of new J's. He kissed his mom on the cheek taking his plate of grits and scramble eggs with a side of orange juice – which he directed the gallon to his mouth – "Boy if you do not pour that juice in the cup, I will pour yo life out like a little tea cup and drop yo ass like humpty dumpty," his father said with umbrage. Looking at his father to see if he was bluffing, but he noticed the Jones poker face. Its 6:50 am and Demarcus goes to grab his bag and his suicidal IPhone 5s phone.

Driving up into the students' parking lot, he sat there for a moment. Thinking about whether or not he should skip school. Hearing his phone go off in his pocket receiving a disturbing message"

Robynn: Hey baby it's Robynn. You missed me? The baby is doing fine, if you're wondering. 6months to go. JJ

How the fuck she got my number and the fuck she mean baby is doing fine.

He stepped out his car and walked through one of the double doors. All eyes were on him, he never recognized the girls from last week who were staring at him. Making his way to the main office to get his schedule and he received more gawking. Walking with his schedule in hand finding his way to his African American History class.

"Are you Mr. Miller?"

"Why yes I am, how can I help you young man?

Giving his schedule, "I'm your new student." Checking his attendance, "Why yes you are. Go ahead and sit next to Talia. Raise your hand please?"

Demarcus took his new seat, giving a faint smile to Talia, since she continued to give him a stank look.

Class was over and Mr. Miller held Demarcus back to inform him on how the school functions. Giving him a pass to his next class.

"Hello sir," reaching for a hand shake, " I'm new here." 

Coach Mitchel gave a friendly smile, "Sit anywhere Demarcus."

Walking towards the racks of dumbbells, he began to look at the missed messages. Of course Robynn would be the one to almost kill a niggah battery. Deleting every provocative photo of her, he was tapped unexpectedly. Looking up to see Kereana, "Excuse but you're in my seat." Being a gentlemen he got up to return her seat, "My bad, I didn't know about the special seating chart," he said jokingly. Kereana cracked a giggle along with the rest of her friends, EXCEPT a jealous Derrick giving of a fake cheeky laugh.

Making to all his classes and skipping lunch, and ended the day of cooking class.

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