Nashi Heartfilia

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Nashi P.O.V:

Hi!, I'm Nashi Heartfilia. Daughter of Lucy Heartfilia. I can't say my father name because I don't know him. Every time I ask my mom about him she change the subject really fast.

My mom is a book writer which she go by the name LuLu. Which is weird to me. She mostly makes up fairy tales if you ask me. Like how the princess finally meet her prince and live happily every after. BORING!!!!!. But her books are fantastic to me. When I was little she will read them to me every night.

Just to make me go to sleep, but it never work. When she would finally leave my room, I will go sneak im her room too see what she was doing and she will just be sitting on her bed crying and I will just watch her cry herself to sleep.

It always hurt it me too see her cry like that. I couldn't do anything. Maybe it's was about my dad, but I don't know.

This is where my story began.


I woke up and went to the washroom and took a quick shower. I did my girly things like brush my teeth and did my hair. My hair was just in a messy ponytail. It took me thirty  minutes to decide on what I should wear today. Maybe a little makeup.

Yes! I know I'm too young too wear make-up, but when I usually wear it you can't tell. I went too the kitchen, which I saw my mom cooking breakfast for the two of us. I sat down and rest my head on the table.

"Was you up all night?" mom question me.

I sighed. "Sadly, yes".

My mom giggle."Reading that new books you just start it?".

"Yeah, it's really good," I sighed"I just couldn't stop reading,".

"You know you have to work at the flower shop today," my mom explain.

Yes, I have a job at my age. I don't go to school because my mom taught me everything she knows, plus the town I live has no school in this area. I ask my mom can she just sent me too a school that is in another town, but she said it's too dangerous for me too go out there by myself.

She place two pancakes on my plate and I thank her. She seat down across the table from me and place the syrup in the center of the table.

"Thank you for the food"I clap. I stuff a pancake in my mouth. I always love it my mom pancakes.

"So mom..."I start it. She look at me."What was dad like.".

Her eyes widen. I place my fork on the side of my plate.

"I know you told me you don't like for me to ask you questions about him, but I think I have the right too know," I said."He is my dad,".

"Nashi no-"I cut her off.

"It's never the time too talk about him. I wanna know now! Did he die or something? Did he leave us? Just tell me anything. I just wanna know!".

Before she could of even say something, I grab my book bag and walk out the house. Of course I regret doing that, but I was just so furious with her! I

Lucy P.O.V:

Tears were now streaming from my eyes. It's hurts to keep secrets from my own daughter. Like that I am a celestial spirit and I was a wizard apart of a guild call fairy tail. Or that her father is a wizard and name is Natsu and blah blah blah.

What happened between me and Natsu that night it was a mistake. He doesn't even remember himself. I don't won't Nashi to find out. Because she will just think she is a mistake and I don't won't her too think that. I clean the table off and headed to my bedroom. I put on a black shirt with some blue jeans on. I comb my hair straight down.

I put on my brown boots to top it off. I grab my purse and open the door. It was a letter at my door. I grab it and open it. My eyes widen.

~I know who you are. You will be minds sooner or later~

For the last couple of years I been getting letters similar to this. That why I won't let Nashi travel by herself. The flower shop she's works at is right across the street, so I really don't mind.

I went back in and close the door. I rip the sheet of paper up and threw it away. I wipe my eyes and walk back too the door. I open the door and two large men was at the door.

"Get her!" one of the men's yelled. I try to close the door, but the man was too strong.

One of the men cover my mouth, making sure I won't scream. I kick the men that was in front of me and bite the other one hand.


I ran out my house and start to run down the street.

"HELP!!!!!!"I scream.

Nobody wasn't on the streets, which was weird. I sudden stop. I felt a dark force walk toward me.

Why aren't my legs moving?!.

"Lucy my dear." a men said.

He had a black cloak on. He grab my face forcefully. He lean toward my ears.

"You're finally mines,".

Be careful Nashi.

After that I saw nothing but black.

Nashi P.O.V:

After work I went too a nearby store to buy a new book for mom. I think it will be a gift too say sorry to mom for what I said to her this morning. After I bought the book, I walk back to my house. The strange thing was that mom purse was sitting in front of are front door.

And another strange thing is that out front door was wide open.

What happen?

                AUTHOR Notes

I know people thinking like.
"Damn this girl makes a lot of stories and Nalu at that". This technically a nalu story but that not going happen close to the end of the book. So this is technically a book about Nashi traveling and trying to find her mom.

Plus I was dying too post this chapter too see what you guys think about it. Please leave your comments.

Leave feed back and if you have any wattpad friends who like fairy tail please give them a suggest and tell them too read this one.

Thanks for reading😊😉

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