Training day 2

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Mika P.O.V:

I woke up to the smell of pancakes? Weird. I grab all my bath materials and enter washroom. I took a really quick bath, after that I put on a black tank top with some blue jeans shorts and sandals. I walk in the kitchen, only to see Nashi making pancakes.

This little brat.

"Who told you that you can cook in my kitchen?" I question her.

"When you made me eat rice yesterday,".

I twitch my eyes.

"These pancakes are really good," Nashi smile."Try some,".

I sat down and she place a plate in front of me. I pour some syrup on the pancakes. Taking a bite my eyes widen. These are actually good.

"I see you like them," Nashi said.

"Who taught you how to make pancakes?!" I raise a brow. Nashi giggle.

"My mom did. Everything else she thought me how to cook I failed at it,".

"Interesting," I said.

"I already ate, so enjoy!".

I ate the last piece of my pancake and place my fork down.

"What's up for today training?" She ask.

I smirk at her.

"You'll see,".

Nashi P.O.V:

"Oh hell no," I start it."I'm so not going to sit on them books,".

Mika gave me a glare."And why in the hell do I have a swimming suit on?!" I question her.

"If you get on the damn books you will see!" Mika hiss. I roll my eyes at her."You have one more time to roll your eyes at me, or else,". I laugh at her.

"I didn't catch the joke," she glare at me.

"I'm sorry. It's just my mom use to tell me that too,"I smile.

Mika gave me a sad smile.

I really miss her.

I sigh and made my way toward the books. The book was balance on a long stick in the ground. I hop on the books and try to keep balance.

"Today training will be how too keep balance".

I felled of the books and I stop in mid air."What the?!"I yelled.

"I'm a magic user. My power is that I can move object around," Mika explain.

"That really cool, BUT AM NOT A OBJECT!" I hiss. Mika place me back on the book and I try to keep my balance again. Which fail.


I laid on the ground crying.

"Nashi it's ok," Mika said.

"It's not!" I yelled.

Mika eyes widen.

"It's midnight and I still didn't make it," I wipe the tears from my eyes. Mika bend down to my level.

"So you're just going to give up?" she said.

"I don't won't too. My mom need my help," I said.

"Then don't, we will try again tomorrow," she stand up.

"No!" I said.

I stood up."I will keep trying, even if it takes me a week, I won't fail her!" I yelled. My bangs are covering my face.

Mika walk up to me and place her hand on my head.

"That's my girl,". My eyes widen. I look at Mika and she smile at me.


I ran home too my mom.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" I yelled.

"What's is it Nashi?" my mom said.

"I learn how to pick flowers mommy, "I show her some pink flowers."See,".

She smile and place her hand on my head.

"That's my girl,"

End of flashback

Mika remove her head and I hop back on the books.

"Just remove every thought you have in your head," Mika explain.

Just remove every thought in my head.

I close my eyes too concentrate. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.

"Just relaxes Nashi,".

"I'm trying too but am still thinking about mom," I explain.

"Just erase the thoughts from your head," Mika said.

I'm trying too,it's just so hard.

I can feel a tear falling from my eyes. I heard Mika sighed.

"Just think about your mom not being kidnapped," Mika said.

I remember the time mom took me shopping. It was so fun and she told me about her meeting some guy, but it turn out bad.

Which I don't know why. I smile. Then the weirdest thing happen. A drip of water fell on me. Then alot of water felled.

"You did it! You did it!" Mika yelled.

"Why is water falling on me?!" I question her.

"When you learn how to concentrate the water fall activates," she explain."When I first move down here it happen to me,".

I jump in the water.

"Nashi!" Mika yelled.

"Might as well go for a little swim, ya know"I smile.

"You're all wet now!".

"I can always dry off,".

I sigh in relief.

I did it mom.

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