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Nashi P.O.V:

I literally freak out. I drop everything thing that was in my hand and ran inside my house. The front room was trash.

"Mom,"I whisper.

I look around the whole house and didn't find any trace of her.
I began to panicked. I ran into my room and start to rip my whole room apart.


I rip the kitchen apart, washroom, and the front room,  and still didn't find any clues.

"Where is she? Her purse is still here!".

I see a letter laying on the ground. I pick it up and began to read it:

"Sorry too tell you little one but I have your mom and she isn't going nowhere at all. She's mines. You will never see her again,".

My eyes widen. This can't be real. I ran into my mom room and start to rip her room apart. She was the only room I haven't check.

I didn't find anything. I felled on the ground. WHERE IS SHE???!!!!. I look up too see a little treasure chest. I ran to it and grab it.

I broke the lock off and open it. My eyes widen. It's was a letter in there.

Dear Nashi,

If you are reading this something dearly must of happen to me. I don't think you are ready to find out yet. But I will tell you now. Once upon a time there was a girl with long blonde hair who meet a fire mage. He had pink hair just like you. This pink hair mage I meet was your father. He took me too a guild call fairy tail and I had the best time of my life. I will go on missions with him and his blue hairy friend . A couple months past and I figure out that I was in love with him. Your father show me the best time. If something happen to me he will be there in 5 seconds. One night your father got drunk and ya know. We kinda ya know. The next day I ask him did he remember what happen last night and he said no. I was hurt because I want it to confuse my love to him. A month past and the blonde mage find out that she was pregnant. I was too scared too tell him. He was my best friend and I didn't won't too ruin are friend ship because of a mistake I made. I left all my friends behind and move away from them. Have you every saw the pink fairy on my hand? That is a guild mark. Yes I am a mage. Celestial spirit at that. I can call the 12 zodiac sign. Well I only have 10 because somebody else have the other two. I need you too go too fairy tail and stay there. Become part of the family. Don't even try to come and save me. I'm probably dead already and I won't no talking back. It's money and the box and my keys. If you figure out who is your father at the guild make sure you tell nobody that you are my daughter. Make a story up.

P.s: I will always love you
                              Sincerely mom

Tears were now streaming from my eyes. Mom is in danger and it's all because of me! I never even got to apologize for what happen between me and her this morning. I grab the keys from the box.

"So these are the keys?".

I pick them up and began to throw them up and down. I place the key back in the box and walk in my room.

Mom just think i'm going seat here and let her die? No! That's not happen! I don't care if I don't have powers like my mom. I will still go. I will get myself a team first. I grab my book bag and pack enough of clothes for me.

I went into the washroom and grab a pair of scissors. Pretty sure if these people came to our house and kidnapped mom, they know how I look. I began to cut me hair. It wasn't that much, it was just shorter now.

I grab my money, plus the money mom put up. I grab the letter, her keys, and a map. I stuff the keys, the letter, and the money in my bag. I look around the apartment. I grab the stripes to my bag.

I'm coming mom


I made my way too the train station. I grab the map and start to examine it. She didn't tell me where the guild is locate it at so I have to find that out by myself. I sigh. I guess this is going to be hard. I walk too the train station.

"Excuse me ma'am?"I said. A lady with brown hair turn too look at me.

"Hello, how can I help you?"she said.

"Do you know a guild that is call fairy tail?"I ask her.

"Oh yes I do,".

"Do you know where it is locate it at?".

"Yes, it is locate in a town call mangnolia," she smile.

"Can I please have a train ticket mangnolia." I gave her my jewels. She grab it and hand it me my ticket.

"It will take 3 days too travel there," she said.

"I don't care how long it takes, I have a important mission to get to," I said with my most serious face. The lady gave me a smile and I walk away.

I sat down and wait it for a train too come. I look threw my book bag and grab the letter mom wrote me. I hold it close too my chests and close my eyes.

Stay save mom.


"Mommy?" a little girl with pink hair said.

"Yes Nashi?" Lucy question her.

"Will you always be my side?".

"Yes Nashi," Lucy bend down and kiss the little girl on her forehead.

End of flashback

I wipe my tears off. The train arrive and I walk inside the train. I got a seat by myself and look outside the window. I close my eyes.

Don't you dare die on me mom.

After that I draft off too sleep.

                Author Notes

I know the letter was really long but I really enjoy making that ya know. It was fun.

Leave comments please!!!!!!!

And if you guys wondering how Nashi hair look. It's just like when Wendy cut her hair off during the taurus arc.

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