Chapter 8: Keep your cock in your pants not in your attitude

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Okay so i am doing other P.O.V's (Point of views) PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND VOTE :D enjoy--------------------------------------------------------------------

Ashley's P.O.V (Right when Scarlet turned the corner and ran into Balan) -

Where did she go. Damn she must of went back behind me she is pretty sneaky like that... Oh well I may as well enjoy the party while it lasts.

I walked to the other side of the house where Scarlet's family and Marcus are. Dominic looked like he was teasing Cadan.

"Awe little Cadan's mad because he can't..." Dominic was cut off by Cadan's slap in the back of the head. Then he froze.

"What's wrong Cadan?" Scarlet's mom, Ellie, asked.

"Somethings wrong with Scarlet she's scared" Cadan said.

Let me explain... Cadan has a tattoo on his arm that has Scarlet's name in the angelic language. Will has one with Ellie's angel name (Gabriel) and Auburn has one in Dominic's name because they are there guardians. It can tell there feelings through physical contact. Like if there said or scared its like a punch to the gut. It can't kill them it just helps know there feelings.

"What do you mean she's scared maybe it's just the party" I stated. Scarlet really didn't want to go to the party but I would make sure Dominic dosen't ruin it for her.

"No its something el..." He was cut off by a unfamiliar voice.

"EVERYONE OUT!! NOW!!"It boomed all the humans were running to leave. Our small group of people were trying to fight through the crowd with out hurting them. Half way there all of the humans were out of the house.

'BOOM' Somethings wrong. We had stop for a second Cadan doubled over in pain.. Yup somethings wrong.

"SCARLET!" He screamed. He jumped back onto his feet and was running to were the BOOM noise came from.

In the little room by were I was chasing her she stood fighting a man we were about to go help her. But in the blink of a eye he had a sword to her throat. He had a deep cut in his arm that was already healing. Scarlet was trying to get out of his grip but he just let out a dark chuckle that sent shivers down my spine; and not the good one's.

"Balan" Scarlet's father, Will, growled.

"Will fancy seeing you here" The man,Well i guess his name is Balan seeing as Will called him it, joked letting out another disturbing chuckle.

"Let go of my daughter" Ellie hissed.

"No can do Ellie wouldn't want you to ruin my plans now would I?" Balan spoke cockily. Dude keep your cock in your pants not in your attitude

"What the hell is going on!" Dominic yelled annoyed with not knowing whats going on. I was just confused

"Tisk Tisk Tisk you should no better then to yell at an adult did you ever learn manners"

"Says the man holding a fucking sword to my throat!" Scarlet roared. Balan pressed the sword press harder against her neck leaving a small cut. I saw blood trickling down her neck. Will made a sound that sounded like a growl.

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER" Will bellowed

"And were is the fun in that" Balan joked.

There was something that appeared behind Balan and Scarlet. It looked sorta like a black hole but was red instead of black. It smelled horrible like blood and ashes.

Ellie gasped looking at the black hole thing. "No" Ellie muttered looking horrified. "PUT HER DOWN!."

She was to late Balan stepped back into the black hole thing. The last thing I saw where his red wings and him holding a unconscious Scarlet. Then it closed..

"NO!!" Ellie, Will, Marcus, Auburn, and Cadan screamed in union. If Scarlet didn't just disappear before my eyes I probably would have laughed.

Ellie looked like she was about to cry but quickly covered it up. Her eyes turned cold and emotionless. The same thing happened with Will. Cadan's and Marcus's face was a mix between fear, worry and anger. Auburn had a weird emotion on her face but it was gone before I could make out what it was. Dominic looked probably the same as me. Confused and angry.

"What the hell just happened" Me and Dominic said in union.

"Please tell me this is just a bad dream" Ellie said he voice cracking her eyes glassy.

"Well kids you just witnessed a Fallen angel kidnap my daughter" Will said coldly. That was it Ellie let out a choked sob. Will put her arm around Ellie for comfort.


Just at the thought i felt my nails grow into talons and my wings burst out of the back of my dress. The cartridge of my wing hit Dominic on the side of the head... that is going leave a mark. He let out a grunt of annoyance.

Ellie stopped crying and her face was a mask of fury. "Were going to get my baby back" her voice sounded confidante and determined. That's what I admire about her.

" What was that Red Black hole thing?Why was she unconscious? When will she wake up?" I asked anger and worry were in my voice.

"That was a portal. It was her first time in a portal so she blacked out. And she will probably wake up in a few hours." Auburn stated.

"Can we make a portal and go and save her?" Dominic asked.

"No we dont have ties to Lucifer and Cadan defied his orders to kill Ellie and Will so he broke the ties to Lucifer. He just has demonic blood" Auburn answered calmly. Cadan flinched because Auburn mentioned Cadan's blood line. He saved Ellie by killing his father it hurt him to think about it but he doesn't regret it.

"So what do we do?" I asked

Dominic smirked then said "Simple, First we plan. Next, we find a portal. Then we kick some ass"

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