Chapter 6

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I pushed open the door once he entered the shop in the gas station. I slowly crawled around the car then shakily stood up. Without warning I suddenly sped off, running at full pelt. I ran into the woods not once turning back. I loved this.
I felt free.

It seemed like nature could tell how happy I was. The birds seemed to sing with me. The plants seemed to sway to the rhythm of my footsteps. The trees seemed to bow down to me. Nature was beautiful.

I must have been running for a couple hours straight before I decided to have a much needed break.
My stamina had always been great since I was a kid, which was why I had always been chosen to run cross country.
Panting, I dropped down against a tree.

'Ugh' I thought 'I really fancy a potato right now.'

After resting for a bit, I got up and ran some more. I must have been running for an additional 2 hours when I saw a highway.
"Oh my gosh. Yessss. I'm victorious!" I screamed.

I ran to the clearing and tried to stop a car "Can someone help me? I'm lost and on the run!"
Nobody stopped.
They would only eye me and speed off. I had given up after an hour or two. Nothing was working.

"Exrra. Exraaa". I slurred
"What? Do you mean extra?" The bartender asked confused.
"Yessss princess. Exrraa."
"Look kid, you're most likely underage. I can't give you more." The bartender had said quietly, frantically looking around to make sure that nobody had heard.
"I twerk forrrrrrrr you." I squealed.
"Um. No thank-"
He was cut off by me scrambling onto the bar table and resting in a squat position.
"Is it shaking?" I asked.
"Um. No." He replied quite awkwardly.
I then proceeded to shake my arms and my back violently back and forth.
"Is it moving now? I asked breathless.
"Um. Your whole body is moving except your butt."
I suddenly burst into tears.
"You're a meanie and I don't like meanies and I'm going to flood your house with potatoes and while you're sleeping I will drown you in mayonnaise." I screamed at him.

Suddenly I felt myself in somebody's arms. I turned around to see who the offender was and found myself staring into the deepest blue eyes. Then everything was black.

I know. I updated and so unexpectedly. I was just so fuelled by all the votes, comments, people adding this to their reading list and 12K VIEWS!!!!! Wtf. This is so unbelievable. I love all my readers. Even the ones that had given up on me. This chapter might be quite confusing so comment if you are confused or if there's anything you want to clear up. I don't want to promise an updating schedule just yet but I will be updating more.

Also, I feel like the title shouldn't be My Abusive Boyfriend anymore because the story isn't mainly about that anymore. I've changed the plot and I want this book to be humorous the majority of the time.
I can't write anymore because I have a headache.
So byeee X
I love every single one of you. My lovely potatoes.

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