Fred Weasley x Reader

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A/N - This is going to be in Fred and George's 7th year, Harry's 5th year.  And you have a  twin brother, Euan, who is also obviously in Gryffindor too.  Enjoy!!!   ~Hailey L.

You were walking alone into the Gryffindor Common Room from lunch to get your books for the second half of the day. 

You were almost to the stairs when you felt a tap on your right shoulder.  You turned your head over your shoulder to see who was there.  No one was there.  It must be Peeves just playing with my head, you thought.  When you turn your head around to continue walking, soft lips connected with yours and started a passionate kiss.  You felt the sparks go off, so you wrapped your arms around the persons neck, and he wrapped his around your waist.  The two of you kissed for what felt like forever. 

You pulled away and opened your eyes to see one of the Weasley Twins, Fred, standing there with his arms around your waist.  You were surprised; you had a crush on him, but you had no idea that he had the same feelings about you.  You could barely speak all you could get out was a quiet word.

"Woah," He smirked and replied

"Yeah, I didn't know you were that  good a kisser, (Y/Nn).  If I had known that in second year, I would have totally done it then!"  You laughed, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, so, you've like me for 5 years, have you?"  He blushed and nodded.

"Well I guess I win,"  I smirked and he raised an eyebrow.

"You win?"  You nod.

"I've liked you for 6 years," you smile, biting your bottom lip.  He smirks and replies

"Well, then that deserves an award,"  you give him a questioning look.

"Oh, yeah, then what it my award, Freddie?"  He smiles cheekily.

"You get to be my girlfriend."  You sit and "think" on that. 

"That'll have to do," you say in a joking tone.

"What, did you want something else?"  He asked.  You smiled and replied,

"Well, I would like to have another kiss."  He cups your face and says,

"Well then, your wish shall be granted,"  You lean in for another passionate kiss with him. 

You hear the common room door open and then you hear gasps.  You also hear someone say

"AAAAH!  MY EYES, MY EYES!!!"  You know the voice is Ron.  You giggle as he pulls away and you turn back to see it was Ron, Harry, George, Neville, and Euan, your brother who had just entered.  Euan obviously saw the kiss and his face was as red as a tomato. 

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!"  George, Harry, Ron, and Neville had to hold him back.  You turned back to Fred and said,

"Well, Freddie, looks like you're going to have to run.  See you in class!"  He smiles and gives you a peck on the lips and dashes out of the common room.  You smile as you hear your brother break free from the grip of the other boys, but surprisingly, he doesn't run after Fred.  He stomps to you and you are a bit scared. 

He was your twin brother after all, he knew you had a crush on Fred, which he didn't mind, but he did just see you kiss him, so you could see his stand point. 

"Why was he kissing you?"  You smirk and say

"Because we just became a couple."  He seemed to calm down a bit. 

"Ok, but he and I are going to have a talk when I catch up to him."  He turns around and bursts through the portrait whole yelling "WEASLEY!"  And he ran after your boyfriend.  The others came over and George asked,

"Soooo... You two are together."  You blushed and nod.

"Took you long enough," he muttered loudly, which made you all laugh.  When you calmed down, you got your books and you and George said goodbye to the 5th years and headed off to your next class. 

You sat in your seat in Divination with George, waiting for Fred and Euan.  They finally came in at the last possible moment and Fred was terrified.  He sat down between you and George.  You smiled and whispered,

"My brother?"  He nodded and you looked at your brother.  He gave you a satisfying look that said, He knows that if he does something wrong, he will be punished.  You turn to Fred and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  His face relaxed and took your hand and held it tight.  You felt his fingers rubbing the top of your hand then kissed it.  You smiled.  Your hand seemed to fit perfectly in his; they were made to hold each others hand.  You thought to yourself, we were meant to be together, I hope we stay together. 

"I love you, (Y/Nn)," you hear him whisper. 

"I love you too, Freddie," you whisper back.  This was the best day of your life!

A/N - AAAAAH A FRED WEASLEY X READER!!!!!!!!!  Did I do good???  I think I did.  Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts!!!  Bye now!!!  ~Hailey L.

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