Chapter 5| Mexican Restaurants

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I fluttered my eyes open that next morning. Last night was hectic. Will decided that it would be funny if he bothered me all night. He wouldn't stop poking me as I slept and kept asking me random questions. I think that the weirdest one was "Who do you have a crush on?" in which I responded with "What is this pillow talk? Are we both teenage girls at a sleepover now? Screw off." I get pretty mad when people keep waking me up during my beauty sleep.

He simply just raised an eyebrow and said, "Geez, I feel like I'm about to get attacked. Chill out, man. I'll go to sleep now." He rolled over to his side and mumbled, "Goodnight, beautiful." I rolled my eyes and went to bed.

I walked down stairs to get some more ice for Will's ankle. "Hey, honey." I jumped in surprise at my mothers voice. I turned around with my hand on my chest.

"Geez, mother. You startled me. I thought you were at Sandra's." "We were, but then we came back early this morning." My mom said grinning. I looked at her weirdly. "Okay?" I said.

"So, I'm going to need for you and that boy you have upstairs to pick me up a few things at the store today." My eyes went wide in surprise. "What boy?" I asked, still attempting to play it off.

"Oh honey, your dad and I aren't stupid. We saw both of you climbing over the fence Friday night. You guys weren't quiet. Next time, just use the front door." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"So I guess I'm grounded." "Not quite, we were wondering when you would actually start acting like a teenager. All you do all day is homework, you have straight A's and it looks like you don't have any friends. You never do anything wrong." She tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear gently. "Live a little, you'll only be a teenager once. As long as you two aren't doing anything that I wouldn't be proud of up there, then it's fine. Just, at least introduce us! I wan't to see how good looking he actually is in real life."

I smiled. "Thanks mom, you're the best. We're not doing anything bad, we're just friends, sort of. He's been having family trouble and needed a place to stay so I offered. I don't know for how long he's going to be staying. I'll make sure to bring him down here in a little." She smiled back. "Great! Let's all go out for breakfast then." "Mother! Please, we can't all go. You and Dad are already embarrassing when we're alone. Imagine him being there. He's most likely going to end up fleeing for his life after dad tries to be funny but miserably fails like he does with everyone else."

"Oh, sweetie, what's the fun in that? Get dressed, we're all going." She said smiling as she walked away. I sighed.

I opened the refrigerator door and put some more ice in a plastic bag for Will. I walked up the stairs and opened my door.

I walked up to where Will was laying on the floor. He was hugging my pillow now. He looked so beautiful, his hair was messy, but it still managed to look perfect, kind of like when a guy styles his hair messily on purpose, but he makes it work, yeah, thats how Will's hair looked like right now.

I couldn't help but stare at him for a little bit longer. I just don't understand how someone can look like him. He had no imperfections. I have to find at least one. Maybe he had ugly toes or a crooked leg or something, that just had to be it.

His plump, pink lips were slightly parted as he breathed through them. Oh lord, if only I had the guts to-

My thoughts were cut off by his deep voice. "You done staring?" My eyes widened in horror. "You don't even have your eyes open, don't flatter yourself. I'm looking through my phone."

His hand shot up from under the comforter, he felt around the floor. He stopped and pulled out my phone from under his shirt that was on the ground.

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