Chapter 9| What a Coincidence

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"I said I was sorry, Aussie!" Will yelled as he tried to catch up to me. As soon as we finished eating, I stormed out of the building. I honestly wasn't mad about what he said to the waiter one bit. In fact, I liked the fact that Will was being protective over me. It made me feel special.

I just needed to look like I was effected by his little outburst to seem like a good person, also because I can't have anyone knowing that I liked it! They will automatically start assuming things.

Will grabbed my wrist and spun me around towards him. I looked into his eyes. "What is it, Hollywood?" I asked, freeing my wrist from his grasp to be able to cross my arms and add dramatic effect.

"How could you be mad at me for that Aussie? The dude was way out of line, he deserved it." He was right, but I wasn't breaking that easily.

"That was really rude of you to do such a thing." Will's eyes widened in horror. "What? So you're saying that you liked him flirting with you?" "I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that you could of handled the situation better." I said.

"Well I couldn't he was messing with you and when someone messes with you it-" Will paused as he shook his head to recompose himself.

A smile began forming on my face. I'm such a horrible person. I thought that was cute of him to get so worked up about this.

"I can't take this anymore. You're right, he did deserve it."

A look of realization appeared on Will's face.

"You little-" "before you say anything else, I just wanted to say that I did this to seem like a good person, I swear!"

Will took one more look a me as a wide smile spread across his face. Oh no.

Will picked me up and began to spin me around. "Will stop! I get dizzy easily! I said as I began seeing stars everywhere." He wouldn't stop spinning so I had to take action. I did the first thing that popped into my head. I'm actually kidding. I did the first thing that I've always wanted to do to Will but couldn't because it would be weird. You have to take advantage of situations sometimes.

I bent my neck downwards and began to kiss his neck slowly. Will soon realized what was happening and he began to slow down. I took this to my advantage and tried to slowly get out of his grip as he focused on the kisses on his neck.

Ha ha sucker.

I was finally able to get out of his grip in one swift movement. I took a step back and stopped my actions. I looked up at Will and noticed that his face was tomato red.

I smirked turned around, threw up the peace sign towards his direction, and followed Kieth and Iris to Will's car.

Its been four days since the restaurant incident happened. Will is still very much in shock. He's been staring at me for longer periods of time. I have an advantage now. I know his weakness.

Today is the day of that stupid camping trip with my dads boss and his family. Haha, I hate my life.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Will asked as we walked out of the school doors towards the parking lot. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I no longer walk home, Will drives me. He said that he doesn't want anything bad happening to me or something like that. I felt bad at first because of gas money in which he wouldn't let me pay for so instead, I sometimes leave $10-$27 in his car and claim that its his and that he must of dropped it. I'm so clever sometimes.

"I'm going on this awful camping trip with my dads boss and his family." I said rolling my eyes as I got into his car. Will got in as well and closed his door.

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