Chapter 10 | Awkward camping

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"William" I said as I looked up. "You got it" He said as he winked at me.

How did I not figure this out sooner? All of the signs were right in front of me. I'm so dumb. Wow. With William acting all weird and his family acting weird as well. It all adds up. 

"Hey Will! Fancy seeing you here!" my mom said as she hugged him. "Will, my man! I didn't know you were a part of the family. Arthur here doesn't really have photos in his office. I should of known. The things you told me sounded so familiar. Wow" My dad chuckled as he shook Will's hand.

"Yes sir, this here is my family." "You guys know each other?" Arthur intervened. "Yes" we all said in unison. Sydney and Liz had a knowing look. It makes sense. Will told them about us. He knew. 

"How?" He asked. "I know Aussie here from school. She's a good friend of mine and she housed me for the days I was out." Will said, glaring at Arthur. Arthur shifted uncomfortably as he awkwardly smiled and nodded.

I looked over at my parents. They had a knowing look as well. "It's a very nice day to go swimming isn't it Arthur?" My dad said, changing the conversation. Thank god. "It sure is! I figured this would be the perfect place. We have a full view of the swimming area and I was thinking we could take the boat out tomorrow since we wouldn't have enough time today." 

They began talking as they walked towards the water to inspect it. Sydney and my mother began to have a full on conversation with Liz about her middle school. Will turned towards me and smiled. 

"You are sneaky, you know that right, Hollywood?" He nodded. "I wanted it to be a surprise. What's the point in figuring it out together when I could just see the look on your face when I show up?" I nodded as well. "You're right. I would of done the same thing." "Great minds think alike" he said.


"So, how do you like Will?" Sydney asked as us girls walked to the public showers after a long day of swimming which by the way was quite fun. Will and I swam together and laughed all evening. What a day.

I choked on my saliva. "What?" I asked. "Honey, don't act like theres nothing going on between you too. I know my son. He never shuts up about you and from what I've heard and seen, it seems like you have the hot's for him too." The hots for him too?? I was shocked to say the least. 

"Well, I mean, he's a great guy and a greater friend." I said trying to get around it. She looked over at me with a knowing look. "Hmm" she said. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it right now sweetie" She said as she smiled and initiated a conversation with my mother. What the hell. She's smart.

After my shower I unzipped my tent and got in "About time." Will said. I jumped in shock. "What the heck are you doing in here?" I asked. Will rolled his eyes. It was pretty dark except the light illuminating off his phone onto his face. He looked hot even in that lighting. 

"I don't want to sleep alone. You never know when a bear will emerge from the woods and try to kill us. What will you do then without someone here to save you? Die." He's got a point. I was also low key hoping he would do this too. You wouldn't want to miss the perfect opportunity to sleep next to a hot guy either. Sue me.

"You're right." I said as I hopped into bed next to him. "Really?" He asked. "yeah." I said "I expected you to fight it so I had other things to say." I chuckled. "There is no need Hollywood, you got me with the bear. I don't want to die tonight." I said as I snuggled on top of his chest. 

We've gotten closer ever since the restaurant incident. I think I like this guy. 

He put his arm around me and exhaled. "Do your parents know you're in here?" I asked. "Yes, I asked your parents as well. I want to make a good impression." "Well, you're not making a good one by already wanting to sleep with me." I said smiling. "haha" He said. 

"So tell me, Aussie, what do you want to do tomorrow?" "Well,I'm pretty excited about that boat ride tomorrow. Your step dad really hyped it up, so I'm expecting nothing but the best." He chuckled. "I also want to explore a little and take a few more photos. The scenery is amazing and I can't miss this opportunity." I felt him nod his head. "Sounds like a plan." He said. 

I began to think about how amazing he is. He has never judged me and he's like my only friend. It's incredible just how different he is in person than that other people have said about him in the past. He lets me be myself around him and actually laughs at my jokes. He's the whole package deal.

 I think he likes me also. Like I'm not gonna act dumb and pretend I'm oblivious to the fact that someone out there actually likes me. The way he looks at me and talks to me says it all. I can't be too sure though because sometimes its just a guy liking you as a friend and nothing more. It's happened before to me in the second grade. haha. I don't want to talk about it. Awkwardest moment of my life. 

I looked up at him. He looked down at me and smiled. His lips look so inviting. They're so plump and and pink. He also smells so good and his arm feel so right around me. 

I guess he noticed me looking at his lips because he licked them. Oh my god. I didn't notice I was looking at them for so long. I awkwardly look up at his eyes only to find out he's also staring at my lips AND LEANING IN. What in the world is going on?

His lips crashed onto mine with so much urgency. Oh my god I'm actually kissing the hottest guy i've ever seen in my life. God, what did I do to deserve this? Thank you so much. There is an actual god. Wow. 

His lips were so soft and he tasted so good. Eventually things got heated and he began kissing down my neck. I lifted the hem of his shirt. What? I'm also a hormonal teenager and have needs. I wouldn't mind doing it with him. Yeah, it'll make things awkward but at least I can tell my grandchildren that my first time was with an actual greek god. 

I'm not one of those girls thats all about waiting until marriage, well I was until I met him. haha. 

He pulled his shirt over his head as I began kissing down his chest accidentally leaving a hickey on his abs. Oops. I went up to kiss him again as he pulled my shirt over my head. "Wait." He said. What now? 

"I can't let us do this now. You deserve something better?" "What do you mean?" I asked out of breath. "You deserve to have your first time in something better than a tent." He said. I nodded and realized that we can't make out again after this. He ruined the moment so now i have to pretend to agree with him in order to not look desperate. 

I nodded and I awkwardly put my shirt back on. Talk about wrong timing to speak out against something. He sighed and shook his head, disappointed. I bet he is. This is so sad. I wanted it so bad. 

He grabbed my face and shifted it so I could look at him. "Hey, we will do it. Just not today. I have something better planned." He said as he winked at me. Planned? This will not be planned. It will be an in the moment kind of thing. What is he talking about?

I nodded anyways and smiled. 

I went to bed that night disappointed. 


Hey guys! I haven't updated since October lol I'm so sorry. I got stressed with school and work. I also hung out with my friends and boys a lot so I never found time to update. sorry not sorry haha. But i'm back! It feels great!

Did y'all like that twist in the end?? I decided that Aussie was a very boring character and I wanted her to be more spontaneous just like I have been lately. I hope y'all maybe like that! 

Thanks for sticking around and I'll try to update soon!!

This is not edited so again, sorry for grammar mistakes!

I also can't figure out how to make this note bold. This is awkward. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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