Pineapples On Pizza (Very long rant)

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Am I the only one who's getting so fucking annoyed at the pineapples on pizza meme?

I'm really sure that this is just my period hormones talking right now but

The stupid fucking meme is just so damn annoying

Yes, some people like pineapples on their pizza. That's okay. You eat pizza your way.

Some people don't like pineapples on their pizza. That's also okay. You eat pizza your way.

But what isn't okay is acting like someone isn't as much of a person because of their preferences. Like in a group I'm in someone posted one of the pineapples on pizza Menes and chaos broke with people telling each other that they're disgusting and not considered a human being because of their preference. Yes, a lot of the memes are funny, the joke itself was still funny to me at first, but people calling each other names and insulting each other kinda caused me to dislike it.

Like I don't even see why how other people like their pizza even matters to you, its not like you're the one who's gonna be eating it. Just stfu about it already

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