Chapter 2 - The Noise and My Green Surroundings

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Hey Peoples! Aliens! Werewolves! Vampires! Robots! Santa! And whoever (or whatever…..Duh Duh Duuuh) else is reading this!

Thanx for reading :D! In this chapter, we’ll meet  the mystery man or the man in the forest who may or may not be Jace Ryder *swoon*. You’ll have to read to find out!!

You May Read Mis Amigos!!


Chapter 2:

It was a peculiar sound, though it didn't last long. The only reason I didn't think it was something I imagined was the fact that right after, a hoard of birds flew out of the forest to my left. The birds made that weird squawking sound, and a black cloud of birds circled above the trees before deciding to fly away.

I had an internal debate. Should I go? Was it to dangerous? Surely my mother would not have approved and lately, I'd always think about what my mom would do or say. She would say no...But I would feel guilty if I didn't go and someone was hurt. 

I ventured into the woods In search of something amiss. The leaves crackled under my boots and drops of rain fell onto my owl hat from time to time. As I neared into a small clearing, I heard labored breathing and small coughs from time to time.

As I came closer I noticed a young man by the looks of it maybe 19 or 20. He was hunched over gripping grass in his hands. He had shoulder length black hair that looked as though it had not been combed in a long time. It was pitch black and at times it shined looking purple. He had multiple deep cuts across his back and small, red scratches all across his back and arms. He looked wild and oh so very attractive.

"H-hey are you al-alright?” I asked timidly stuttering on a few words.

I heard him before I saw his face. A ferocious growl ripped through his chest and the sound vibrated along the forest. He head whipped back to peer at me under his long locks of hair swept across his forehead. The vibrant colors of his eyes caught my attention first but he was looking behind me. They showed with anger and surprise. He probably didn't expect someone to come into the forest and was looking to see if there were others with me.

Slowly, another growl began to build up, and seeing this, I looked into his eyes. Our eyes locked and all those fairy tale moments taught in school didn't seem to compare. There weren't any fireworks, but it was like the earth shifted. The forest wasn’t a dull green but now a vibrant green. I felt ecstatic, and suddenly, I noticed it wasn’t so rainy outside. It was sunny again, and I didn't know whether it just seemed like that to me because I felt changed, or it was really just sunny.

After several moments of feeling complete and like I had everything, which I hadn't really felt since my parents past away, I noticed the sun was setting. A calm feeling settled around me, and warmth spread from my toes to my rosy nose. My eyes quickly shifted to the sky, and I noticed it was difficult for me not to stare at him. I looked at him for another moment. He was staring at me curiously and reached out to take hold of my hand.

"W-who are you?" his gruff voice rumbled. It cracked at the beginning and became smooth again. I didn't know whether to answer him truthfully, but I figured I could trust him. It was an odd feeling to trust a complete stranger, but I answered anyways.

"Rain." I answered back hesitantly not knowing whether to ask him of he was okay again, but he solved my problem

"What are you doing here?" he spat out as though he couldn’t stand me anymore, and I cowered back afraid of getting hurt and wrapped my arms around myself seeing him lean towards me.

He seemed to realize that he scared me and for moment he looked worried before he mumbled a quick sorry.

I looked at my shoes while I answered so I wouldn’t have to look at his handsome rugged face and stutter and blush while telling my story.

"I was in the p-park and I heard a noise and I thought someone was hurt, so I came into the f-forest and here…ummm... We are...yah." When I looked back up, he seemed to be staring at me and quickly shifted his eyes to my arm. His eyes flashed black as he zeroed his vision to my arm and reached out to touch it. I looked down to see what he was staring at and saw a small scratched tinted red but not really bleeding.

He seemed so angry about one small scrape and when his warm, tough hand finally touched my arm. There no sparks, but that's when I felt the fireworks that wouldn’t stop launching as he slowly ran his finger around the wound. He seemed to think for a moment before popping his finger into his mouth and pulling it out with saliva on it.

Before having time to react, he wiped the liquid over my wound, and in seemingly seconds, the small scrape healed. Amazed, I turned my head toward him and silently looked at him in wonder.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, "It's my fault you got hurt...I'm so sorry" he replied broken and dejected.

"Hey, it's okay" I replied surprised that my voice didn't quiver,

"It's not your fault and that cut was not even large enough to be classified as a wound. No worries. Do you need help or are you…" I trailed off as I saw his wounds were completely healed. He realized this too, and with guilt and worry in his eyes he began to stand up. He hesitated a moment before looking back at me. I peered at him confused as to why he stood up. He muscles stretched all along his body, and his slightly tanned skin, strong jaw, and sharp features made him seem like an angel of some sort. A bad boy, rugged, handsome angel. Huh. I snorted and quickly blushed realizing I had not only checked him out, but I had also snorted in front of this god of a man.

            I looked back up to see him staring at with an emotion I could not describe clearly. Maybe a bit of regret but at the same time, hope. We were once again stuck in this life altering, spirit lifting gaze, which he broke when turning to run away.

I could not find my voice. It seemed to have disappeared along with him. Seemingly, so did my mind. Had I forgotten that I had found him in the woods hurt and bleeding only to be healed in a remarkable, impossibly short amount of time? Had I forgotten that he licked me and healed my miniscule cut in a short few seconds? No, I had not forgotten, and the reality began to crash down around me.

            That young man who towered above me, and looked at me with tenderness in his eyes was strange. Yes, but he made me feel complete. This feeling that I lacked since my parents death. In those short few moments, I felt serene and happy.

            I had lost my mind. Here I was wandering into the forest when I had to go home and make it there before my brother, Tyler, in order to take care of Noah. I have to start unpacking, making dinner, and signing Noah and I into school. I had so much to do, but before I headed home, I allowed myself to take a short few moments to think of the mystery man.

I trudged out of the forest and headed in the direction back home, and this time, I did have something exciting and remarkable to thing about. I pushed aside my thoughts of Larry the hedgehog and relieved my experience with the mysterious, handsome man. As I entered the house and began to get ready to think about what to make for dinner, I wished on a star in the sky to see him again.


I hope you liked it! I’m excited for more Tyler and Noah in the next chapter and will probably upload again in the next few days. Maybe, sooner ;)!

Anyways, Happy Holidays again! I hope you have fun and PLEASE COMMENT!

Thanks for reading! :D


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