Chapter 19: Perfect Moments, and the Move

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Hola! How are you guys? Muy Bien, I hope!

I hope you like this chappy! New secrets are revealed, and I’m 3/4 chapters away from my favorite chapter :D

P.S. I’m am super duper muper sorry I was late in updating! I was sick, and you know what was so unlucky about it? I had the sniffles on Friday, and I got it during the middle of the school day. Friday was also the day my family and our friends were going to the rodeo. Not only did I feel horrible already, but it started pouring right when we reached the rodeo place. We had to walk in the rain and stand in the cold for like 45 minutes! It was horrible at the beginning, but the FOOD! And the CONCERT made up for it! So overall, I’m a sick child who couldn’t upload because my head was killing me :( Will you forgive me?

The story is picking up again, and that means no fillers for now! YAY!


Chapter 19:

It was moments like these that I loved.

Times when nothing was happening, but you cherished that care free feeling. It was nothing special, and yet, it still was.

We were at the park lying on our backs staring at the clouds. Noah was on the jungle gym, and Jace and I were just talking.

            “Favorite drink?” He asked.

            “Tea,” I used to always drink tea with my parents. “You?”

            “This sounds really childish…but, milk,” I sent him smile and shook my head.

            “JWACE! WAINY! Wook at me!” A large smile was plastered on his cute face.

We both lifted our heads off the ground to see Noah at the top of the jungle gym jumping around.

            “Good job buddy!” called Jace. We continued our game.

            “Favorite TV show?” I asked.

            “Not sure. I don’t watch much TV. You?”

            I’d have to- What’s that?” I asked peering at his arm. I pulled his sleeve up a bit and saw a large bruise. “What happened?”

            “It’s nothing, Rain. Let’s just-“

            “Jace! You can’t just keep things from me!” Jace sighed and slowly began to nod.

            “I’m sorry, kitten.” He apologized. “I’ll tell you later. Let’s just have fun right now.”

And fun we did have.

The windows were down, and the wind was tickling at my hair. Noah was laughing in the back seat at something Jace said, and all of our faces held a smile. Warm rays from the sun were raining down on us, but the air was cool.

We pulled into a packed parking lot and hopped out. When we entered the place, dings sounded through the air, and the smell of pizza wafted towards us. We were at the bowling alley.

Once we got our shoes, Noah proceeded to slip around in his shoes. He tried on Jace’s and pretended to be a clown. We hadn’t been to a bowling alley since before my parent’s died.

            “WET'S GO!” shouted Noah, and my cheeks grew red because everyone looked towards us. Jace took my hand in his own and kissed my cheek.

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