Chapter 14: The Secret, the Heartbreak, and Our Pasts

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HI GUYS!!! I’m soooo GIDDY! Who wouldn’t be? I logged on last night and saw in went from 800 to 2000 reads! I was like YAH! Then I did a fail fist pump while jumping like in the movies. My brother saw, and I was like…”yah! I got the fly… Bye.”

Anyways! SOOO EXCITED! And excited writer means more CHAPTERS! Yah, two uploads between now and Monday :D

Thanks everyone for the comment, reads, votes, and fan.

I hope you like this Chapter :D! You find out a lot


Chapter 14:

I was worried.

Who wouldn’t be? Jace said he wasn’t going to day anything bad, but from the guilty look in his eyes, I doubted it.

I played with my hands. A nasty habit I had when I was nervous. He seemed to be deep in thought and having an internal battle.

Dread began to seep into me. What would I do if he was regretting kissing me?

What if he was going to tell me that he only wants the other girl? The one he loved already.

He sighed and shook his head before looking up at me. I sent him a curious look and he began to speak.

"Rain, I want to say I'm sorry." Jace said in a voice laced with guilt. I took a breath and was about to reply when he continued.

"I just want you to know that you can leave after. If you want to. I just want you to be happy.” I nodded my head for him to continue. “I’m not a normal person, Rain. I have things I can do that no one can, no human can.”

I sent him a questioning look, and he continued.

“Remember in the forest when I…um… put my saliva on your cut,” I nodded my head, “It healed almost instantly. That’s just one of the things I can do….Rain, I’m not human.”

I sent him an odd look. “Jace, that’s crazy. I mean I’m not one to be as ignorant to think that we are the only one in the universe, but you’re making yourself sound like…like some sort of monster.”

“I am a monster, Rain. I’m a creature of the night, of the moon. I’m a hunter. I’m a killer. I’m something that shouldn’t exist, but I do.” Jace hesitated a moment before continuing. “I-I’m a werewolf.”

I sent me a heart-breaking look. It was so full of hope and hate for himself. I’d almost forgotten what he said. Almost.

“W-wait, what? That’s not possible Jace. Th-that’s c-crazy!”

“Rain, you have to believe me. Remember in the forest? I had just shifted back into my human form after being attacked. I needed to heal.”

“S-so you’re telling the truth?”

“Yes, I would never lie to you about this.” He gazed deeply into my eyes.

“Then, are the rumors true?”

“Kind of. I did disappear into the forest. I just didn’t feel the need to be human anymore. I didn’t have anyone back then. I figured it was be easier to let the animal within me out. After I got attacked, everything changed.” I was about to ask what he meant when he started again. “I’m sorry, Rain. You can hate me if you want to.”

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