Chapter One

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Josh's point of view:

The thing about your experience in high school is that there are many different outcomes. It can be the best four years of your life, or it can be the worst four years of your life. You can make friends, or you can refuse to look at anyone and sit alone. You can try your hardest and get good grades, or you can goof off and fail all of your classes in the blink of an eye.

Two of the three situations I listed were a positive effect on my life, while the last one, well... not really; but I try to stay positive in life. This year could be a fresh start, or it could be another waste of time.

I was forced to move schools because I failed my grade. My parents thought that the school I was in didn't try to help me enough with my academics, so they sent me to the building I'm currently standing in front of: Whales High School. The property consists of one large grey brick building and an even larger parking lot, if that's even possible. I take a deep breath and walk in, immediately being swarmed with students who look like they actually know what they're doing. Of course they do, most of them have been going to this school for years now.

"Joshua Dun?"

I turn at the sound of my name to see a lady about forty years old and holding what appears to be a map. "Mr. Dun, we've been expecting you. Why, it's not every ray that we have a new junior." The lady holds out her hand and I immediately shake it, a bit scared that she knows my name. "I'm Principal Matthews. Welcome to Whales." Principal Matthews hands me the map and walks off, her heals overly tall making too much noise for my taste.

"So, you're new?" I jump, startled by the sudden voice. The source of the noise laughs, and the first thing I notice about him is his abnormally large forehead, strategically hidden by his dark brown bangs. "Did I scare you? Well, hi 'Mr. Dun,' I'm Brendon."

I nod, still a bit overwhelmed. "Josh."

He grabs my wrist and starts to pull me into the sea of children. "Well, come on Josh."

I plant my feet firmly on the ground, or as firmly as I can when someone is dragging you into the abyss. "Whoa, Brendon, where are you taking me? I don't even know you!"

Brendon just laughs again. "I'm showing you around the school, you dweeb. I've decided to be nice for a change."

It turns out Brendon's laugh is contagious, because I'm soon laughing to as he pulls me down he endless hallways, earning lots of looks from people I don't know.

Brendon's about to lead me to another room when I look into the hallway and stop dead in my tracks. Up against the navy blue lockers is a boy in a black hoodie, the hood hiding his face. Four boys surround him, one with a knife. I almost forget to breathe I watch them attack the poor boy in the hoodie, until one of them notices me. "What the hell are you looking at?"

I stand there paralyzed with fear as Brendon attempts to drag me away. We finally both run when another pulls out the knife.

The last thing I hear before I'm gone is the sound of a hopeless scream.

Hey guys! So, I've decided to write a joshler (obviously). What did you think of it so far? Do you like the plot of the first chapter? Do you like the cover?

You better like the cover, it took two hours to make.

I'm sorry about that, I'm just slightly frustrated with Google at the moment.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you deem this book worthy so far. If you want (please), feel free to check out my other works... You may like them.

Have a wonderful day!

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