Chapter 2: The Outsider

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I got off the bus last because I had sat in the back. Hawkins High School looked the same as it always had. Nothing ever changed. I walked in with my Walkman still on and headphones still on top of my ears, but I decided to take them off rather than leave them on to block out the noise of slamming lockers and gossip amongst the crowd. I never wanted to listen, but today I was curious.

I couldn't make out anything in particular, but all of a sudden it got really quiet. The loud roar through the halls, turned to a murmur, which was unheard of until I realized why. I saw Jonathan Byers, Will's brother, at the bulletin board, hanging up a missing poster for Will. After he hung it up, the volume of talking went back to normal. I wasn't sure if I should say or do anything, but I looked at him as I kept walking and made eye contact with him. It was only for a second because we both broke away, but it wasn't awkward or weird feeling at all. I smiled to myself. I hope he is okay.

I made it to my locker and put my backpack on the hook, only taking the books I needed for the day. I went to homeroom and sat down in my seat, which was next to Nancy. She was talking to Barb, probably about Steve. I wanted to tell her about my encounter with Mike, but I figured I should stay silent. It was nothing worth mentioning.

The day went by slowly yet surely. I suffered through math and science, and was looking forward to my last class, which was English. We were reading The Catcher in the Rye my favorite book. I was happy I was able to daydream in this class since I had read the book, but before I knew it the bell had rang and the day was over.

"Julia Bennett, can I see you for a moment?" My teacher, Mr. Hann had called out after the whole class was out the door.

"Yes?" I made my way over to the front of his desk.

"I know how concerned you are with your grades, but I just thought you should know that your grade in this class is slipping a little bit." He noticed my concerned face.

"Now I have a solution for extra credit."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to help out our new school newspaper, the Tiger Tab. You're a talented writer and you don't even have to write every week. Just be an assistant type and maybe do some writing if they want you to. We need a lot of student help over there."

I sighed and looked down. My dad would KILL me if he knew my grade had dropped, but I never liked my writing that much and didn't see how much help I'd be. I never took part in any extra curricula's before, but there's a first time for everything.

"Alright I'll do it. When's the first meeting?"

"In about an hour, sorry for the short notice."

I nodded and left Mr. Hann's room. I finally went to my locker and got my backpack together. I decided to wait outside of the school and smoke a cigarette until the meeting. I knew I shouldn't be smoking, but it was a habit I couldn't break. I wouldn't get caught either, since everyone for the most part had left, but even if other kids saw me I didn't really care and they wouldn't say anything. They never have.

I sat out on the steps of the school, smoking and listening to my Walkman. I put The Cure in this time. I ate some chips from the vending machine and decided to journal. I pulled out my brown leather bound notebook and just wrote anything and everything that came to mind. From the sun hitting my face, to the music, to my writing, time flew by and it was time to take part in my extra credit.

"Julia Bennett at an after school club, shocking." I heard someone say, as I entered the room.

"Hi Julia." Barb was there. I never spoke no more then two words to Barbara in my whole life, but she was nice to me, like Nancy.

"Hey Barb."

"I'm the editor and am in charge of the newspaper. Mr. Hann told me about the extra credit and I'm happy that your here!"

"Thanks, I guess." I was trying to match her optimistic attitude, but I doubt I even came close.

"I was wondering if you could go to the darkroom and pick up some photographs off the hanger for us." She looked around the room referring to "us", as herself and the fifteen other student seated around her.

"Sure thing." I said as I started to leave the room.

I left the room where the meeting was held, and went to the first floor, where the darkroom was. I entered the room and was surprised to see Jonathan Byers developing his photographs. I panicked, hoping I wasn't interrupting.

"Hey Jonathan." I wanted to greet him, to break to awkward tension I felt.

"Oh, hi Julia." He seemed nervous or shaken by the fact that I was there.

"I'm sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting. I just have to pick up some photographs."

"No, you're fine. I was just leaving." He walked to the hanger and started taking down pictures. I walked behind him, to be out of his way, trying to find the school newspaper's.

I decided to be noisy and see what he liked taking pictures of. He was quickly taking them down, but I was on the opposite end of him and as a matter of fact, I got a gook look at the last one hanging in front of my very eyes.

"Is that me?" I asked.

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now