Chapter 3: Photograph

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"Is that me?"

   I saw my face printed on the paper, smoking, sitting on the steps of Hawkins High just an hour ago. I had no idea anyone had seen me. I never looked in the mirror much, so I was surprised to see my face in such thought and daydream and concentration. I wondered if that's how everyone around me saw me. I couldn't wrap my brain around it. The photo was so candid and real and unlike anything I had ever seen before. It looked so beautiful. It was hard to believe that that was me.

   Before I could say anything else or before Jonathan even answered my question, he said "I gotta go", and ripped the photo from the hanger line and ran from the door. I completely dismissed the photographs I was there in the darkroom for originally, and focused on Jonathan's. I ran after him and caught up with him before the exit of the school.

"Jonathan! Wait!" I grabbed his arm as my last hope of getting him to talk to me, and he turned around. He didn't say anything at first and looked a mixture of shame, embarrassment, and probably anger from getting caught by me.

"If you think I'm mad, I'm not." I told him nervously, after I decided to speak first.

"You're not?" He asked confused.

"It looked beautiful to me."  I confessed to Jonathan and he looked down and didn't say anything for a moment.


"Really, and I'd love to see the rest of them."

Jonathan was about to show me the rest of his pictures, reluctantly, but before he could hand the set of photographs to me, I could hear my name being called down the hallway by Barb.

"Julia! Julia is that you? Did you get the pictures?" She yelled.

"This meeting won't take long, will you please wait for me and show them to me after I'm done? I really want to see them." I asked Jonathan, hoping I wasn't being a pain and that he would agree. He nodded.

"I'm getting them now." I yelled back at Barbara.

"Want to meet me by my car in the parking lot?" Suggested by Jonathan.


    I ran back to the darkroom, got the pictures, then ran back to the room of the meeting. Barb thanked me. The meeting was only 15 minutes long. All Barb did was talk about what should be written for the first newspaper. I wasn't assigned anything, thank God, but Barbara still wanted me to come to meetings each week and take minutes and help out. I agreed since it was my extra credit for Hann.

   When the meeting ended, I grabbed my backpack and speed walked towards the parking lot. Jonathan's car was one of five left in the whole lot and he was standing up leaning against the back of his old bumper. I walked up to him and tried my best to smile, but not with teeth. I never did that. I didn't like my smile.

"How was the meeting?" He asked chuckling to himself.

"You mean my involuntary extra credit?" I didn't know if Jonathan got my humor, but I think he picked up on it.

"Sounds like fun." He handed me the pictures. I flipped through each one carefully and took a long time on each one, noticing every detail.

"That one's my favorite." He said on a photograph of me looking down at the ground, blowing smoke out of my mouth with my eyes closed smiling.

  I kept flipping through and smiling so hard my cheeks hurt at the pictures. I looked like someone I never saw before. It's funny how you never think about your face or body language when you're by yourself and in deep thought. I finally got to the last one, when I looked up at Jonathan.

"Wow." I was speechless. "These are amazing."

"Do you mind if I show you some more?" Jonathan asked.

"Are they of me?" I joked, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at me.

"You've been taking pictures of me? For how long?" I could feel my voice rising, but I didn't mean to.

"I'm sorry. I just.." I waited for Jonathan to finish his sentence but he never did. Instead he opened his car door and reached for a folder that he then handed to me. He turned around as I opened it.

   When I opened the folder, I saw pictures of me entering the school from a distance which I clearly couldn't notice a flash from. More were of me leaving school, close ups of my face, and a few of me leaning against a tree in the field next to the school reading. They look professionally done and planned, but in reality I had no clue.

"Again, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of taken them, it was wrong." He kept blathering over and over.

"Jonathan, I'm not mad at you. I'm surprised, but not mad." He looked relieved. "You're very talented. "

A few moments of relaxing silence went by. "Do you want a ride home? I know you missed the bus." Jonathan offered. I had completely forgotten about the bus and forgotten I'd have to walk home if I continued going to these meetings.

"That would be lovely."

**Hello to anyone reading! I hope you like this so far! I know it sounds similar to other fanfics, but I PROMISE (something that's never broken), that this idea I have is unique and it will get better! Also, I just want everyone to know that I do not condone or endorse smoking cigarettes especially if you are younger then the age limit to do so. Much love.**

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now