Chapter 24: Underwater

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    Surrounding Eleven under the fluorescent light of the Byers' kitchen table, we listened to the static sounds coming from the walkie talkie. Eleven was busy concentrating trying to contact Will or Barbara, but none of us knew what to expect. Her eyes were closed and her eyelids fluttered softly. I wish I knew what she was seeing or thinking. The kitchen light above her started to flicker, as she opened her eyes. 

"I'm sorry." She said, looking directly at Mrs. Byers, sitting at the head of the table.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Jonathan was standing above his mother, holding her hand.

"I can't find them." Eleven started to choke on her words, heartbroken by the thought of letting us down though she did not.

   Eleven went into the bathroom, still weak from all the usage of her power. Mike explained to everyone how fragile she gets after things like this, which explains the falling down and the bloody noses. 

"She's drained, like a bad battery." Dustin analogized. 

"How do we make her better?" Mrs. Byers asked.

"We don't. We just have to wait and try again."Mike replied.

"How long?" Nancy scorned. I wasn't appreciating her attitude, but I knew she was only eager to find her friend. 

"I don't know."  He said, as Eleven had entered back into the room, without anyone noticing until she spoke up.

"The bath." She said, as everyone turned to her. 

"What?" Mrs Byers questioned.

"The bath. I can find them in the bath."

    Dustin asked Mrs. Byers if he could use her phone, which she allowed. He said he had to ask his science teacher some questions. It pertained to Eleven and sensory deprivation tanks, which was what we figured we would need to make. To deprive Eleven of her senses temporarily would help her concentrate hard enough to find Will and Barb. We all sat around in the kitchen, listening to Dustin on the phone. He sounded persistent in getting what he wanted. Grabbing a piece of paper and pencil, Dustin started writing down everything we would need for the tank, prescribed by his science teacher Mr. Clarke. 

"Do you still have that kiddy pool we bobbed for apples in?" Dustin pointed to Mrs. Byers.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Okay good. Now we just need a lot of salt." Dustin said, looking at his paper.

"How much is a lot?" I asked.

"Fifteen hundred pounds." He answered back.

"How are we going to get that much salt?" Nancy everyone around the table. 

"I have an idea." Hopper said, as he rushed us all outside. 

    The boys, Hopper, and Mrs. Byers got inside of the Chief's car. Hopper told us to follow him, as Nancy, Jonathan and I got into Jonathan's car. I sat in the front beside Jonathan as we raced behind Hopper's high speed. I could feel Jonathan's eyes on me like the first day we met, but this time I could look back at him as we shared a quick grin. 


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Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now