Chapter 20: Happy Birthday

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   I got up off the couch and opened the door to see Mike and Dustin. Their bikes were on my front lawn and I assumed they might've had some news for Jonathan and I. Jonathan came to the door behind me.

"Oh hi Jonathan." Mike said. "Have either of you seen Eleven?" 

"What? Why? What happened?" I asked them.

"Well, Mike the numbskull here, Lucas, and Eleven got into a fight and Eleven disappeared." Dustin said, hitting Mike on the back of the head.

"What was the fight about? Did you find the portal?" I kept having more and more questions pop into my head.

"No we didn't find the portal. Eleven altered our compasses with her mind without telling us because she said it wasn't safe and Lucas got mad and called Elle names and Elle pushed him with her mind and hurt Lucas so he left and she ran away." Mike was talking really fast, but he seemed anxious and worried for both of his friends.

"Damn." Jonathan said. 

"Well I haven't seen her. I doubt she knows where I live." I told Mike. "We can help you look for her though." 

"It's late and we have to be back home, but could you help us tomorrow? Either of you, or both of you?" Mike asked, seeming desperate.

   Thinking if I had any things to do tomorrow, I realized that tomorrow was my birthday. Nobody really knew about it, because nobody asked and until this year nobody seemed to care. Usually my dad would just leave me a card with some money and a Debby's snack cake with a candle in it, but since we had our last incident and since he still was never home, I wasn't expecting anything. So why do anything for it? I didn't want to awkwardly bring it up. 

"Oh I forgot, it's your birthday tomorrow isn't it?" Mike asked. I wasn't expecting him to remember. "I only remember because Nancy used to get you the same thing every year, those friendship rings." I looked down at the ground and raised my eyebrows in surprise. 

"Yeah. I still have them." I laughed uncomfortably, wanting to change the subject. "But I'll still come help you tomorrow for sure. I don't have plans."

"Okay great. Want to all meet up after school?" Mike asked.

"Sure." I nodded my head and waved to Mike and Dustin as they left. 

  I shut the door expecting to hear it from Jonathan on how I didn't tell him it was my birthday tomorrow, but I just didn't see the point. It was like every other day for me and I didn't like the attention in all honesty, but I braced myself for all the questions from Jonathan as I sat back down on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday? I have to hear it from Mike Wheeler?" Jonathan sat next to me as I sulked silently.

"I just don't like birthdays and I never do anything for it anymore so it's just like any other day to me. Just another year older." I looked to him and hoped he could understand where I was coming from. 

"I know you don't want a party or anything, but maybe we can go get dinner or something tomorrow night?" Jonathan suggested, and I was okay with that.

"Alright, I can do that. After we look for and find Eleven of course." Jonathan laughed and agreed.

"I should go. I already scared my mom to death today and I better go spend some time with her so she isn't too mad at me." Jonathan got up and thanked me for helping his wrists.

"Also, thanks for not leaving me at the station." He was at the door, ready to go home.

"We don't leave each other alone. It's our thing." I kissed Jonathan on the cheek and watched him drive away until he was out of sight. 

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now