Chapter 18: The Fight

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Jonathan drove us to a army surplus shop. I never knew this place even existed in Hawkins, but I'm glad it did. Walking in, it was pretty intimidating. Weapons and army supplies everywhere. Maybe the pacifist in me was freaking out a bit, but I wasn't scared. I walked down the isles with Jonathan, scouting around for anything that could combat a monster. Our choices were limited, but we found some lighter fluid and a propane tank, a new flashlight since I left the last one in the upside down, some chains, a club hammer, and nails. We needed something to trap it though, maybe a net or something, but I spotted a trap for something as big as a bear. Jonathan came up next to me from behind to see what I had found, and looked at me as I looked at him. We were on the same page.

We walked up to the counter and placed everything in front of the tall, burly man who seemed suspicious of what two teenagers were doing with such lethal equipment. He just stared at us in awe until Jonathan asked for four boxes of thirty eights on top of everything else.

"What are you kids doing with all this?" He asked.

"Monster hunting." I answered back, nonchalantly. He nodded and seemed humored by my answer. Jonathan and I split the bill and we took our bags of goods to Jonathan's car.

"You know I never would have pictured myself buying bear traps to kill a monster with Jonathan Byers." I told Jonathan, laughing as I realized what I said as I closed his trunk.

"What's weirder, the bear traps or me?" He played along.

"Most definitely you, Jonathan Byers." As Jonathan and I were about to get into his car, I heard my name being called from a car driving by us, slowly.

"Julia! Loved your movie! You're a star!" The strangers drove away laughing and I felt my stomach drop.

I started running towards the center of town. Everything was there including the movie theater, which I realized was what those people were referring to. What was going on? What did it have to do with me?

"Julia! Wait!" Jonathan was calling my name and I could hear him running behind me, but I didn't stop.

I ran up to the movie theater where a crowd of people stood in front of the marquee. They all turned to me as I read what it said. In the normal black letters it said "The Outsider" which was a movie playing. It's suppose to have an "S" but it was removed and underneath that in red spray paint, it said "Starring Julia "Daddy Issues" Bennett." I felt myself loosing control of my breathing as I heard laughter and whispers around me. I started to walk away, when I heard the sound of spray paint down an alley way.

"Jesus." I heard Jonathan say as I kept walking. I turned down the alley way as I saw Steve Harrington along with his girlfriend and his posse.

"Hey princess." Carol said, as she noticed me walk closer and closer to them. Steve was standing in front of the group.

"Damn Steve, She looks upset." Tommy piped in. Nancy tried to stand in front of Steve who was face to face and inches away from me.

"Julia, I'm sorry. I tried." She was crying, but I lacked compassion for her anymore. I pitied her.

Before Steve or anyone else could say anything, I swung my arm back and slapped Steve Harrington right on the cheek, causing him to grab it with his hand immediately.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? How do you even know about my parents? Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Well my uncle works at the state hospital and told me about your mommy and how your daddy has a bit of a drinking problem so when one of the biggest losers in Hawkins tries to make a name for herself, shouldn't it be news?" Steve bit his lip. His voice sounded evil and cut me to the core. Jonathan tried to pull me away, but that didn't stop Steve and his gang from verbally attacking us.

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now