Can We Talk?

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~ Michael's P.O.V ~

"Man, you've only known this woman for about a month. What about the woman you've been talking to? You know, um...Josie! What about her?", Chris asks.

"I'm not even dating her, we just talk. We're just friends", I say.

"Mike, you slept with her. Does she know you two are only talking?", he responds.

"I never spoke to her about whether we were a thing or not, yet, she still hopped in bed with me so if I were to move on she has no right to be upset", I explain.

"I don't know man... this is a dangerous game you're playing. Someone could get hurt", he says leaning back in the chair.

I look out at the sun and sigh.

"You're right, but, there's something about Robyn. I mean, how many women do you know would still work full time just as anyone else would even when having so much money right at their fingertips? She's different...", I say.

"If you really feel that way, then go talk to her. You say her dad was a famous lawyer, right? Let's look her up and see if we can find where she lives", he suggests.

I laugh. "I'm not a stalker, Chris. She'll speak to me when she calms down."

"You wouldn't be a stalker for that. If you really wanna talk to her, you should just do it", he says.

"Fine", I respond.

I grab my laptop and we look her up.

"Dang, Mike! This is her?", he asks.

I laugh. "Yes, Chris, that's her."

"She's beautiful. Oh, I think I found her address", he says.

"Doesn't it concern you that people can just find addresses this easily...?", I ask now paranoid.

He sighs. "Yeah, it's creepy but what can we do about it? C'mon lets go."

~ About an hour later ~ At Robyn's house

"Chris, we've been here for a little over an hour. We might as well go home now", I say.

Honestly, I have nothing better to do but I'm nervous so I want nothing more than to get out of here. But, to my unfortunate luck, we see a car pull up in the driveway behind us.

"It's a little too late for that", he responds.

I see Robyn exit the car and then it pulls away. She walks to our car and Chris rolls down his window.

She looks completely perplexed. "Not to sound rude, Mr. Tucker, but why are you at my house? And how did you find my address?"

He shakes his head and responds sarcastically. "It's nice to meet you too. You can call me, Chris. I guess you didn't see Michael sitting here."

He moves back and she stares at me with an unamused expression.

"I know that I'm probably the last person you want to see, but can I please talk to you?", I say to her.

She sighs. "I guess so... did you want to come in too, Chris?"

"Nope, this seems personal. Call me when you're ready to leave, Mike", he responds.

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