Nice To Meet You

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(Quick side note: the app that's mentioned in this story is basically the same as a real life popular dating app but I changed the name and a few other things because I don't do free advertising.)

*sigh* It's freaking 10 in the morning and my neighbors are already partying. Who has a party this early? Ugh! I can't even concentrate on my design.

I roll my eyes and stand up from my desk. I put on my shoes and make my way next door.

When I get there, their gate is already wide open and there are just people standing around on the grass talking. I push my way through them and walk into his house (since his front door was also open). As soon as I get in, I see Josh... my annoying neighbor.

"Well, well, well... look who finally gave in and decided to come party. Nice seeing you again Robyn", he says with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself, I just came by to tell you that I'm tired of your constant parties. Unlike you, I have a job and my job requires major concentration. I can not concentrate when I'm basically living next door to a frat house", I say.

"Alright, I hear ya loud and clear. I promise I'll try to be less noisy if you agree to go on at least one date with me", he says with a smile.

Josh is an attractive kid, but that's just it; he's a kid. He's only 21.

"I'm old enough to be your mother. We are not going a date, I'm not a cougar", I respond.

"Then I guess there's no deal. Catch ya later Robyn", he says.

And with that, he descended back into the crowd.

I let out a grunt of frustration and went back home.

As I'm walking I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and I see a text from my friend Tiffany.

"Look behind you...?", I say repeating the text aloud.

I look behind me and see her hanging out the sunroof of her limo.

"Hey girl!", she says.

I laugh and wave.

She slides down back into the limo and it stops. She gets out and signals for the driver to leave.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", I ask hugging her.

"Just thought I'd stop by while I'm not busy. Look like your neighbors are having the time of their lives over there. Why aren't you over there?", she responds.

"Do you see how young they are? I'm not about to hang around a bunch of barely legal children. Besides, I have work to do", I say as we walk into my house.

"That's the problem right there; you're always working. When's the last time you actually had fun?", she asks.

I sit at my desk and pull out my laptop.

"My job is fun enough for me", I answer.

"I meant, fun that doesn't deal with your job. When is the last time you've been to a club? Had a party? Had one night stand with a young man who has the body of a Greek God?", she asks.

I laugh. "I'm way too old for all of that. In case you forgot we're pushing 40 and we have responsibilities."

"Speak for yourself, girl. I'm 37, free, fabulous, and on the hunt", she says.

"You need to leave those young guys alone. Don't you want to settle down?", I respond.

"No, I wanna live while I still can. I'll settle down when my body tells me to settle down. Speaking of, I came across this app that I think you would like", she says eagerly.

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