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*The next day*

So, last night I decided to stay over at Michael's because I had so much fun over there... and I wanted to keep an eye on Josie, who ended up leaving last night. I'm surprised she didn't try to stay the night.

Right now, we just finished eating breakfast and I plan on going to the beach. The children were allowed to tag along with me and I'm fine with that, but what I'm nervous about is the chaos that'll probably happen if people recognize them. Of course Michael passed on going, so I guess he'll just be staying home or going out to take care of some business.

"Is everyone ready to go?", I ask excitedly as I watch them pack up their beach bags.

"We sure are! Are you sure you don't wanna come with us dad?", Paris says.

"I'm sure. That would just cause way too much commotion and I want you guys to have fun", he says.

I start to feel bad because I know he would like to go but with him being a mega star, that sorta makes it impossible.

"You guys can hop in the car. I have to talk to your dad", I say to them.

"I call shotgun!", I hear Prince yell as they run out the door.

"I really wish you could go with us today", I say as I wrap my arm around his neck.

"Well, you know that's impossible. Not only because of the chaos, but my Lupus as well...", he says looking partially disappointed.

I take my arms from around him. "I understand. But, it's alright because I'm already planning something that we all can participate in, including you."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh gosh, what are you planning?"

"Why'd you say it like that?", I ask acting offended.

He giggles. "Our first date was rock climbing; I can only imagine what you might have planned now that we're officially together."

"Well, it's nothing that extreme; I promise", I respond while playfully rolling my eyes.

"Good. You better get going before the kids get too antsy", he informs.

"Ok, I'll call you when we get there", I say.

I give him a kiss and leave the house.

*Later at the beach*

"Should you guys wear the masks or...", I begin but I'm quickly cut off by Prince.

"I think we could get away with not wearing them since dad isn't here. They couldn't possibly know who we are since our faces are always covered", he says.

I think about it for a moment. "Good point, plus it's way too hot. Come on, let's go."

Even though Michael was not with us, I still made it a point to kind of seperate is from the larger crowds of people just for safety reasons. The kids didn't seem to notice nor care; they looked to be having the times of their lives. Paris and Prince are playing in the water while Blanket is being buried in sand per his request. At this point, only his head is sticking out.

"What do ya say? More sand or is this enough?", I ask him.

"A little more", he requests.

I grab the sand bucket and scoop some sand in it, then dump it on him.

We both giggle as I stand up to take a picture of him.

Then, I turn around and take a pic of Prince and Paris as Prince is carrying her on his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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